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郑州航空工业管理学院 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 2011 届 英语 专业 0707064 班级 题 目 从杨、戴《红楼梦》译本中看成语翻译策略及其影响 姓 名 刘燕阁 学号 070706418 指导教师 童俊 职称 讲师 二О 一一 年 六 月 一 日 Strategies and Its Influence of Idioms Translation from A Dream of Red Mansions ? ? ? ? By Liu Yange Supervisor: Tong Jun ? ? Department of Foreign Languages Zhengzhou Institute of Aeronautics May 2011 内 容 摘 要 随着跨文化交流的日益频繁,翻译研究已经从纯语言的角度转向文化角度,翻译已被广泛地视作是文化交流的行为。成语不仅是语言的精华,而且反映出文化对语言的巨大影响。由于成语在语言中的重要地位,成语的翻译早已引起了翻译界的重视。恰如其分的成语翻译对跨文化交际起着至关重要的作用。 中国古典文学名著《红楼梦》作为中国古典小说的巅峰之作,是一部反映中国社会文化的百科全书,其书中包含的成语从内容上包罗万象,从形式上也是涵盖了常见的规范的四字格成语,形式活泼的谚语、歇后语等,具有丰富的中国民族特色。因此,《红楼梦》翻译研究在翻译学中占有举足轻重的地位,有助于推动翻译理论和实践的发展。 目前,针对《红楼梦》翻译特别是对杨宪益夫妇和霍克斯等人完成的两个英语全译本的研究如火如荼,且已经取得了不少可喜的成果。由于杨宪益夫妇译本的主要目的之一是向外国读者介绍中国丰富多彩的文化,本选题主要针对杨宪益夫妇《红楼梦》译本前80回中的成语翻译作整体具体的分析,对比异化与归化的优缺点,从而找到适用于传统文学作品中成语的翻译方法及原则,以便于更好的传播中国悠久的历史文化。 关 键 词 红楼梦;成语翻译;文化影响;异化与归化;翻译策略 i Abstract i With the influence of frequent cultural exchanges, a shift from a linguistic approach to a cultural approach has been found in translation studies. Translation has now been broadly seen as an act of intercultural communication. Idiom is not only the essence of language, but also a reflection of culture’s great influence on language. Its translation has long drawn great attention from the translation circle due to its important position in language use. An adequate of idioms cannot only be helpful but also be essential in intercultural communication. Hong Lou Meng, as the peak of Chinese traditional novels, is an encyclopedia of Chinese culture. The idioms in Hong Lou Meng, one of the classical literary masterpieces, gave a severe test to two translator’s translating abilities, for they have variant contents and their forms vary from regular four-character idioms to irregular proverbs and Xiehouyu. The study of the translations of Hong Lou Meng can provide us with insightful hints of how to introduce the traditional Chinese culture to people of other languages


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