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新版八年级(上)英语测试题 (Unit 4 ) 根据句意和首字母提示补全单词。( 10分) Parents play a r in their children ' s lives. We should take these problems s . The supermarket 超市)is always c on weekends. The twi ns have one things in c . Liu Qia n is a popular m from Taiwa n. Bill Gates(比尔盖茨)often helps the p in America. The winner in the tale nt show will get a good p . Usually she watches TV in her c _sofa_at ni ght. Please take the medici ne( 药)before the m . Tom is a bad worker, but Jim is eve n w tha n him. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。( 10分) tha nks for (tell) me. He is much better tha n others at (find) the most in terest ing roles. Dumpli ng House is (cheap) restaura nt in the city. 4.Some stude nts in our school are truly (tale nt). 5.It ' s always interesting (watch) people (show) their talents. 6.She is good at (show) her tale nt. However, not everybody enjoys (watch) these shows. The people who watch the show usually play a role in (decide) the winner. He fini shed (read) the no vel yesterday. Which city is (beautiful) , Beijing , Shanghai or Hangzhou 根据汉语提示,完成英语句子。( 6分) 1.所有这些节目都有一个共同点 All these shows have one thi ng 那由你来决定。 That ' s you to decide. 才艺演出变得越来越受欢迎。 Tale nt shows are gett ing popular. 学生应该认真对待考试。 Stude nts should the exams . 他们在决定谁是获胜者方面发挥着作用。 They in_ decid ing the winner. 句型转换(12分) 1. Jim is taller than the other two.( 改为同义句 ) 』m is of the three. 2.1 think Miller ' s is th改be否t定句 ) I Miller ' hesbest. What do you think of 970 AM( 同义句) 970AM Which cinema is near the post office( 同义句 ) Which cin ema is the post office What ' s the price of the ticket (同义句) is the ticket 合并为一Movie World has big scree ns. Town Cin ema has bigger scree ns.( 合并为一 句) Tow n Cin ema has —— ens MovieWorld. His home is only five minutes by bus.( 提问) is his home Gree n World Park is the most crowded place because almost every one goes there to see the street performers.( 提问) een World Park the most place The tall boy wins the show.( 同义句 ) The the show is the boy. Michael is taller than any other student in hi


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