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PAGE PAGE 5 II 部初二英语(P)期末练习 No.6-1 Name____________ Class__________ No.__________ Mark__________ 【词汇点睛】 1. feather, fur (1)She brushes her dog’s ______________ every day. (2)Swans have beautiful white ______________. (3)Hunters catch bears for their ______________. (4)What___________________________(多漂亮的一根羽毛啊!) (5)What ____________________ bears have! (熊的毛多厚啊!) 2. favourite, like best (1)___________________ (它最爱的食物)is fish. (2)The food it ________________ (最喜欢)is fish. (3)Which season _______________________ (他最喜欢)? (4)Which __________________ (她最喜欢)season? 3. provide sth for sb/ provide sb with sth 我们应该为穷人多提供些食物。 We should ________________ more food ____________ the poor. We should ________________ the poor ______________ more food. 4. rare, rarely (1)It’s ____________ for my father to talk too much. (2)This kind of bird is becoming ______________. (3)He ______________ comes late. 5. moreover, however, otherwise, (1)I’ll offer it to Tom.______________,he may not want it. (2)We must be early, ______________ we won’t get a seat (3)I don't like skating, _______________, the ice is too thin. 6. prevent sb (from) doing, stop sb (from) doing, protect sb from doing (1)We should do something to prevent the weather __________ (be) worse and worse. (2)他戴着太阳镜以抵挡强烈的阳光。 He is wearing sunglasses ______________his eyes ________ the strong sunlight. (3)没什么事情能阻止我们学好英语。 Nothing can ____________________________________. 7. important, importance (1)We all know __________________________(学英语的重要性) English well. (2)We will attend ________________________ (一个重要的会议). (3)Maths is of great __________________ (important),so you must learn it well. (4)There is no such thing in anyone’s life as an ________________ (important) day. 8. cover (1)Lies can’t ____________ up facts. (2)China _____________ about 9,600,000 square kilometers (3)Zhalong is the perfect _____________ for many rare birds. (4)What did you stick on the _______________ of that magazine? 9. once __________


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