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高考英语有关环境话题作文 我们的生活,与环境息息相关,那么关于环境的英语作文大家知道怎么写吗?不妨把它写下来。下面小编给大家分享高考英语有关环境话题作文的内容,希望能够帮助大家,欢迎阅读! 高考英语有关环境话题作文1 Often in the television newspaper to see the topic of white pollution, but also often listen to grandparents said: before people carrying the basket to buy food, today, people empty-handed into the market, put forward is a plastic bag. Is this a change of time? Indeed, the development of society has brought convenience to our lives, but what is behind this convenience? I and my mother checked with the Internet, according to the survey, plastic bags do not bad for thousands of years, floating into the forest lakes are pollution, the natural hazards are very large And the elimination of plastic bags only one way, with fire to destroy it. But when the fire is burning a few hours, smell pungent suffocating, but also the formation of a pollution to the atmosphere. The white garbage is increasing year by year, covering numerous forest meadows, and one day it may cover the whole earth. Look at this paragraph of the text, so I was shocked. I decided to immediately implement a green pollution reduction action at home. Suddenly remembered my grandma in this area is doing better, every day to buy vegetables are carrying baskets, I let my grandmother also take a basket for her mother to buy food. Mom looked and said: carrying this work to buy food is not convenient, can not be used to clean the plastic bag to re-use, or I can easily carry a bag can also. I have a reason, Help the mother to use the plastic bag clean and finishing, in order to re-use. We are eager to blue sky, fresh air, sweet streams ... ... how I hope that everyone can start from small things, from their own start, the common intention to protect our homes, so that our planet will always have blue sky, clear water! 高考英语有关环境话题作文2 In the last several decades, our earth has been extremely polluted, such as air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution and so on. In recent years, the extrem


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