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* Unit 5 Music Reading 淮北七中 闫丽丽 Try to guess which kind the following pictures belong to. Groups of people play different musical instruments together. Orchestra Serious and traditional style Classical Music Music of American Negro origin, very romantic. Jazz saxophone Many people get together to sing. Choral Music or song in the traditional style of a country Folk Music Talking and singing, also means “Hip-Hop” Rap Rock ’ n’ Roll Very loud sound with strong beat(节奏感) Type of music that comes from the folk music of the southern and western US. Country Music What famous bands do you know? Zero point Westlife The flowers The Beatles 披头士 (甲壳虫乐队) Beyond The Monkees — the most popular band in the USA in 1966 — 1968! A big hit! The Monkees Do you know anything about “The Monkees”? It is a band with 4-person that was very popular in the 1960S in America and as well as a TV show of the same name and it based on “The Beatles”. The band used instruments rarely seen on TV at that time. Now it is still popular in the world today. Reading Fast-Reading :Look for the main idea of each paragraph Para 1 Para 3 Para 2 Para 4 How “The Monkees” was formed. The development of “The Monkees”. Dreaming of being a famous musician or singer. How musicians form bands. Careful-reading:discuss the questions in groups 1.Which two musical bands were mentioned in the passage? 2.When did “The Monkees” break up and when did it reunite? 3.When did" The Monkees" celebrate their time as a real band? The Beatles and the Monkees 1970, mid-1980s 1996 1.The TV organizers had looked for five musicians who were lovely and who could make good music. 2.Each week the group that was called “The Beatles” would play a song or two written by other musician. 3. “The Monkees” broke up in about 1970,but reunited in the 1980s. Read the third and fourth paragraphs 1. do the ”T” or “F” exercises F F T four Monkees *


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