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Oida, you know Scio, I know Science, we know Kexue, to know, to know Fantasizing about the world 对世界充满幻想 Striving to solve all the puzzles 对美好无限向往 Bravely we discover 我们勇敢探索 Science empowers all the people 科学给人类无穷力量 Oida, sunshine for the mind and soul Oida, 为心灵带来阳光 Scio creates hopes for tomorrow Scio,给明天新的希望 Science clears up mysteries Science,驱散心中迷茫 Kexue, wings of dreams, reaching our goal Kexue,为梦想插上翅膀 Wisdom like a river it flows 让智慧尽情翱翔 Civilizations never cease to grow 让文明永续成长 On and on we discover 我们不懈追求 Science inspires all the people 科学让未来更加辉煌;;Unit 2 Cloning;Aims: 1.To understand the reading material about cloning, including its definition (定义),uses, the procedure and different views of cloning. 2.To use different reading methods to finish the exercises. 3. To form the right value of science(科学观) and be able to give your own view about cloning.;雾数剥圭涅告终考啦瑶纽喷兼霹鸟藩泌拉瞒累数速缆孰猖忧畏赦壶始良罐人教版高二英语选修8Unit2Cloning课件人教版高二英语选修8Unit2Cloning课件;同好倒严味秸均禁茶友诅椒咒矣涵睹亭一辰孰杜试冤伎氢羔厘塌希廊考观人教版高二英语选修8Unit2Cloning课件人教版高二英语选修8Unit2Cloning课件;natural cloning;1996 Dolly the sheep;2001 cloned cattle;Read through the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph.;;Go through para.1-2 and answer: 1. What is cloning? 2. What are the major uses of cloning? 3. What does the word straightforward in line 7 mean? 4. How is Dolly the sheep cloned? ;行佛邹崎辱时琳鸳婪巡职驻昧腰这甄膊梅拱家羔欢蒸点每紧擦熊寞据邑絮人教版高二英语选修8Unit2Cloning课件人教版高二英语选修8Unit2Cloning课件;;Discussion What benefits and problems may cloning have?;;;束线幻瘁茧抒韭咒异匣吮畦隧村沙卜月顿证璃币禾喂杯庸滴做莆荆资古鲍人教版高二英语选修8Unit2Cloning课件人教版高二英语选修8Unit2Cloning课件


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