5A Unit7 Grammar and Fun time新译林版英语.pptVIP

5A Unit7 Grammar and Fun time新译林版英语.ppt

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(Grammar time & Fun time) fly a kite chat on the Internet go to the cinema watch films read stories play the piano visit grandparents have a picnic have dancing lessons Rules(规则): When you see a phrase, please read it loudly. 请同学们大声地读出图中闪过的词组。 When you see , please say “Go, go, go”” 但当你看到小帅的时候,请快速一边做动作一边说“Go, go, go” ! 一分钟,哪组说的周末活动更多,不重复! weekend go shopping visit their grandparents have dinner They usually … They like … They often … She always … She sometimes … have dancing lessons go to the cinema has goes He usually … He also … He sometimes … They usually … chats plays goes… fly a kite have a picnic Sound time Sound time Mike usually _____________ with Liu Tao at weekends. He also _______ on the Internet. He sometimes _________ and ____________ with his family in the park. Su Yang usually _________________ at weekends with me. She _______________ Kitty. She ________________ with us. Helen always __________________ at weekends. She sometimes ________________ with her friends. plays football chats flies a kite has a picnic visits grandparents likes playing with often has dinner has a dancing lesson goes to the cinema Retell the story Saturdays Sundays 星星区分频率的高低 观察图片,你发现什么? My weekends sometimes often usually always I at weekends. Ticking time I can use “always, usually, often, sometimes” to talk about weekends correctly能正确运用这四个词谈论周末 I can use one or two words to talk about weekends with some mistakes 能选用1到2个词谈论周末,但有错误 I can use two or three words to talk about weekends correctly and fluently 能正确流利用选用2到3个词谈论周末 What does he/she do at weekends? He/She/always/usually/often/sometimes… chats reads plays What does he/she do at weekends? He/She/always/usually/often/sometimes… (注意动词的形式) watches goes plays plays watches skates dances has swims What do they do at weekends? They always/us


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