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Unit 6 Natural disasters Reading(1) 一阵轻微的震动 恐惧地 四处逃散 陷入困境 使……平静 片刻的恐惧 匆忙做某事 大声求助 活下来 听见激动人群的大叫声 a slight shaking in fear run in all directions be trapped calm down a moment of fear be in a hurry to do sth shout for help stay alive hear shouts from excited people Let’s check the preview(翻译下列短语) By the end of the lesson, students should be able to: Teaching objectives 1. Knowledge objectives 2. Ability objectives 3. Moral objectives ⑴Understand the information of the text. ⑵ Guess the main idea of the text from some pictures and titles. Use some proper words to introduce an earthquake Learn to protect ourselves in disasters. Teaching important points Teaching difficulties To master the usage of words, phrases and sentences. Learn to love and help others. Do you know any natural disasters? I. Free talk What are they ? What disaster do you see in this video? What else can you see in it? An earthquake. shake v.震动摇动 shaking n.震动 scream 尖叫,惊呼 in fear恐惧地 run in all directions 方向 run wildly 失去控制地 come down fall The Taiwan earthquake Timmy A survivor Homework Read silently(默读) and quickly then try to answer the following questions. II. Pre-reading. 1.What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started? 2.Did he survive at last? 3.Did he find his way out by himself? He was doing shopping. Yes. He survived at last. was alive at last. No. People saved him. III. While-reading Scan (细看,扫描 ) the text and finish the following activities. Read paragraph 1 and then fill in the blanks. At first ,Timmy felt a slight s _____through his body. Then he heard a loud noise like t______. people in the shopping centre looked at each other in f_______. some people s ________ because they were very f___________. haking hunder ear creamed rightened Read paragraphs2 and finish the following activities. Ⅲ. While-reading Try to match People: Things: tried their best to run


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