open day生本教案设计.docVIP

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Story: Open Day ? 教学 目标 Language Skills: The kids will be able to understand & use(if they need to) the following Words & expressions: open day/visit/information board/class project/choir/programme/ Patterns : 1. They can…; 2. They will…; 3. First…; Next…; Then…; After that…; Finally…; Ability: 1.?????? Design Open Day activities; 2.?????? Reasonably order these activities; 3.?????? Make a programme, write a proposal(with the help of structures) Affection: The kids have the desire to introduce their school and school life to parents; 重点 难点 Key Points: Design Open Day activities and order them; Difficult points: ??????? Kids have no Open Day experience and seldom heard of it. They will confuse it with Parents Meeting; ??????? Some words are hard to explain, eg. Project/information…; ??????? Kids have to organize Open Day activities logically; 板书 设计 Open Day First visit classrooms; Next look at class projects; Then listen to the school choir; After that look at English club information board; Finally meet teachers 教学步骤和说明:/ 教学程序安排 学生活动安排 设计意图及说明 Warming- up activities: ? ? 1.?????? How much do you know about our school; 2.?????? How much do your parents know about our school; 问答热身,激活与校园及校园生活相关的语言;让学生意识到家长们对校园及校园生活的了解的不足; Define Open Day 1.?????? Define Parents’ meeting; 2.?????? Read and get the definition of Open Day; 3.?????? Top 3 Places Ss want their parents to visit; 与家长会的区分,让学生更清楚地了解开放日; 阅读,提取关键信息; 与学生的真实校园相联系; Redefine Open Day ? ? 1.?????? Read the PPT: More than visiting; 2.?????? Differentiate Open Day with Parents’ Meeting again; 3.?????? Design some Open Day activities; 对开概念的再次补充完善,输入关于Open Day的信息;了解Open Day还能做的事情; Organize Open Day Activities; 1.?????? Read the text, list Open Day activities in RGS; 2.?????? List the places they will go on Open Day; 3.?????? Order these activities; 4.?????? Find the reason of ordering; 5.?????? Order activities designed by Ss 学生了解Rose Garden School的开放日活动,并通过与该学校的校园平面图的联系,



