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完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分) When I was young, I had always wanted a baby sister, someone who loved me and understood me. My mother 41 ! She ’ d always regretted her own 42 of sisters: “ I ’ m going to make sure you aren ’ t 43 when you grow up, ” she said. But she didn ’ t keep her word. From the time I was three until I was ten, she did nothing but 44 baby brothers. I did my best to persuade my mother ’ s uterus ( 子 宫) to grow a girl. I waved pink blankets and hair ribbon around my mother. Nothing 45 . Finally, when she’d delivered her fifth son, mymother 46 making promises. “Paul, that ’ s all, ” she declared to my father. The boys broke the 47 of our days and turned our home into a chaos ( 混 乱) of toys. “ It ’ s 48 me,” my mother screamed. However, having brothers wasn ’ t all 49 . Many people spend their lives thinking that the opposite sex comes from the opposite end of the solar system. I grew up on the 50 planet with men, 51 that their habits and hearts were different from — but very much complementary ( 补充的 ) to — my own. Because my brothers are 52 and competitive, I ’ ve laughed more than any ten womenI know. I also tend to think strategically 53 emotionally. 54 it took me a long time to know the true blessing ( 恩惠 ) of brothers: sisters-in-law! For many years now, my brothers ’ 55 have provided the 56 I always dreamed of — choosing the oversize sweater for Christmas the year I 57 weight, visiting frequently to cheer me up when I was in hospital, 58 their children as my own hope for motherhood became less and less likely. I can always 59 the diets we’ve tried, the walks we’ve taken, the stories we’ ve shared, the meals we’ ve cooked and the babies we’ ve chased. Both my brothers and my sisters-in-law have become the most 60 part of my life, showing me the blessing of belonging. 41. A. decided B. refused C. answered D. promised 42. A. lack B. memory C. love D. loss 43. A. upset B. lonely C. embarrassed D. afraid 44. A. educate B. help C. deli



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