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北京理工大学 流体机械工程研究所 流体机械工程研究所 Laboratory of Fluid dynamics in complex couple systems 北京理工大学机械与车辆学院流体机械工程研究所从属于动力机械及工程国家 重点学科及车辆动力国防重点学科实验室 经过985工程、211工程、国防动力基地及车船网络平台的建设,拥有国内领 先、国际先进的流动实验测试仪器和高性能计算设备 形成了以高速水动力学特别是空化流动为主要研究领域的独具特色的研究团队, 围绕空化流动机理及其数值模型、流体机械系统流体动力学研究和车辆及动力系 统流体动力学研究承担了多项国防973、国家自然科学基金、国防重点基金项目 和国防型号项目的研制 在出水和出筒空泡载荷分析、带空泡航行器运动预测、液体火箭发动机诱导轮 内部低温空化性能预测、超空化流动机理与数值计算、航行器喷水推进技术和两 栖装甲车辆及水下航行器减阻等领域具备了和相关企业进行合作研究或承担委托 研究项目的经验和条件 In our laboratory, we are studying flow phenomena in complex coupled systems in an effort to acquire the high efficiency and reliability of fluid systems. The complex systems we concerned are including fluid machinery, thermal engine, amphious vehicle and so on. The various nonlinear phenomena, such as cavitation, multiphase flow, turbulent flow, interface instability, system instability, fluid/material coupling, cryogenic fluid and so on, .are investigated by numerical and experimental analyses. The main interest of our laboratory is cavitation and the modeling issues. Cavitation is complex flow phenomenon including various fluid and flow factors; evaporation/condensation, phase non-equilibrium, micro jet, counter jet, slip velocity, dynamic contact angle of solid-liquid-gas, surface instability, separation, vortex, turbulence, re-entrant jet, and so on. In this laboratory, the turbulence and cavitation models are attempt to be modified for improvement of prediction accuracy of cavitation occurred in different engineering areas. Experimental research work such as cavitating flow structure, flow oscillation and thermodynamic effect has been promoting in a closed water tunnel by using various advanced fluid measurement systems for example, PIV, high speed video and so on. 流体机械工程研究所 主要成员 王国玉 教授、博士生导师,毕业于日本东北大学工学部机械智能与航空工程系, 获工学博士学位。北京理工大学机械与车辆工程学院流体机械工程研究所所长、 流体机械及工程学科带头人。主要社会兼职:中国造船工程学会高级会员、水中 兵器学术委员会委员、水中兵器UUV学组成员、中国


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