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全国卷 1 2017 范文与指导 ? 第二节书面表达 ( 满分 25 分 ) ? 假定你是李华,正在教你的英国朋友 Leslie 学习汉语。请你写封邮件告知下次上课的 计划。内容包括: ? ( 1 ) 时间和地点; ? ( 2 ) 内容:学习唐诗; ? ( 3 ) 。 ? 注意: ? 1. 词数 100 左右; ? 2. 可以 适当增加细节 ,以使行文连贯。 一审题 100 词 25 分总分 ? 该文你能写几个词儿? 3 句 5 句 -30 、 50words (最多得 五分 ) ? 最大的问题 - 给的 信息少而精 - 需要进行技术 性细节 拓展 ? 那些地方好拓展? 那些地方不易拓展? ? 时间 地点 不需要过多拓展 做课前预习 这 2 处这个内容可以 拓展。 ? ? ? ? 学习唐诗 - 好好拓展因为这是出卷专家的 purpose- study tang poetry -why ?- help to learn about Chinese culture /history We will talk about Tang Poetry ,it is not only very interesting but also beneficial for you to learn about the Tang history and traditional Chinese culture . /study Tang poetry -what ?-why -how? we'll introduce Tang poetry , is a simple form of ancient poetry,easy to learn and remember.I think you will be interested because it can help you have a knowlege of chinese culture and history and improve your ability of enjoying chinese culture quickly. 拓展二 - 建议 - 怎么做? (旨在 ) ? 提建议句型: you'd better do sth /it is better to do sth ? i suggest you should do sth ? it is advised that sb should do ? i recommend that you should do sth ? you'd better preview the lesson by searching some learning materials like books on Tang poetry. ? I recommend you to buy a Xin Hua Dictionary to refer to the new Chinese characters 汉字 要点: ? 句型 ? The next lesson will be held at the school hall on monday April 18th. ? /You are supposed to arrive at .....on ....to attend the next Chinese lesson, at that time when I will introduce Tang poems to you learn/know about ,in advance /ahead of time preview ? you had better make some preparations for it . For example you can preview your lesson by learning about the culture of the tang dynasty . ? you can either go to the library to serch for the relevant books or surf the net for detailed information. ? As for the new words you are faced ,i suggest that you buy a xinhua dictionary


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