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2012年“上外杯”上海市高三英语竞赛 初赛试卷 考生注意: 一、 本卷共13页,64小题,满分100分。答卷时间90分钟。 二、 本卷所有题目为 选择题,请将所选答案用2B铅笔点涂在答题卡上。 Grammar and Vocabulary Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the answer that best completes the sentence. (1*20) There no colorful ni ght life like going to pubs or going to cinema, people living in the countryside usually go to bed early. is B. be C. to be D. being , I would have chosen not to tell him on his birthday that he had failed the final exam. Was I give n ano ther cha nee B. Give n ano ther cha nee C. Had I given another chanee D. Had I been given another chanee To feed the planet ' s seven billion people, farmers will need crops that they can grow in saltier soils and an atmosphere more carb on dioxide and ozone. A. to be filled with B. filli ng with C. bei ng filled with D. filled with , all the athletes competing at the 2012 London Olympic Games, were treated as heroes when they returned to the coun try. Whatever brillia nt achieveme nt they made or not However brillia nt achieveme nt they made or not However brillia nt they made achieveme nt or not They made whatever brillia nt achieveme nt or not Feminist sociolinguists, over the course of the last few decades, have con ducted studies they believe support the con clusi on wome n are rout in ely discrim in ated aga inst in En glish-speak ing society. A. what …which B. w hat …that C. which …what D. that …that Huma n beings get goose bumps and chills whe n we are scared for the same reason cats fluff up when they ' re threatened. A. as B. that C. why D. like The amount of digital data available to us every year, but the amount of time and en ergy we can devote to un dersta nding it rema ins the same. A. much doubles B. more doubles C. more tha n doubles D. more doubles tha n The Sumeria ns, an ancient people of the Middle East, had a story the inven tio n of writ ing more tha n 5,000 years ago. A. to explain B. to have explained C. explai


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