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基于本质安全的工艺优化及控制 Chlorine Direct to Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) 氯气用于 EDC的生产 Chlorine Direct to Ethylene Dichloride (EDC) 氯气用于 EDC的生产 New Catalyst New Process 新的催化剂 新的工艺过程 Examples:例如 Dikes - if you have a volatile material a dike reducing the surface area will often result in a Limitation of the effects. 围堤-如果存在易挥发的物质,围堤可以减少可能导致火灾的表面积 Blast Walls used in the Polyethylene 在聚乙烯生产中使用防爆墙 Business to separate reactor bays. 反应单元分开设置 These are difficult to retrofit and should be considered with the original design 装置运行后,改变设计是困难的。因此在初始设计时,就应该考虑 Double Wall Tank - When to install? 双壁罐 – 什么时候安装? When for example … space restrictions exist (e.g. in existing facilities) 空间限制 (如现有工厂) only limited space is available for spill containment 有限的空间作溢流收集 environmental concerns exist due to product hazards 由于产品的危险性,导致环境问题 high hazardous (flammable, toxic) and/or high volatile products will be stored 高危险 (易燃,有毒)和/或高挥发性 a large tank is planned 储罐很大 large volumes will be stored in the same area in order to minimize impact from neighboring tanks/facilities in case of emergency situation 同一区域有大的储量,紧急情况下尽量减小邻居储罐或设施的影响 Double Wall Tank Concept - Design Basics – 双壁罐- 基本设计 本质安全着眼于工艺国有能量减少和释放控制 Focus on inherent energy level and release control 本质更安全工厂需要项目早期考量和评估 Should be recognized and reviewed early in the design 贯穿装置的生命周期 possible along with facility lifecycle 决不是增加保护措施 Not to add more protection layers 不是体系,是思考的方法/理念 Not management system but systematic thinking/philosophy 需要管理伴生的新问题 Must manage subsequent challenges THANKS


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