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格言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 安全人生格言英语 导读: 本文是对于格言大全的文章,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点 评和分享! 1、保安全千日不足,出事故一日有余。 Security is insufficient for more than a thousand days, and accidents occur more than one day. 2、简化作业省一时,贪小失大苦一世。 Simplified operation saves a time, and greed for small losses and suffer for a long time. 3、违章是安全的大敌,车祸的朋友。 Violation is the enemy of safety, friend of car accident. 4、昧着良心做事是不安全、不理智的。 It is not safe and wise to do things without conscience. 5、事故警钟时时敲,安全之弦紧紧绷。 Accident alarm bells are ringing from time to time, and the safety chord is tight. 6、安全行走的人才能走得远。 Only those who walk safely can go far. 7、人身安全要提防,车辆下面莫纳凉。 Personal safety should be on guard. Don't enjoy the cool under the vehicle. 格言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 8、隐患处处有,安全时时记。 There are hidden dangers everywhere. Keep a safe diary. 9、无知加粗心必危险,防备加警惕保安全。 Ignorance and greater care are dangerous, and protection and vigilance are necessary for security. 、你对违章讲人情,事故对你不留情。无情于违章惩处,有情于幸福家庭。 You show mercy to violations and accidents show no mercy to you. Ruthlessly punished in violation of rules and regulations, affectionate in happy families. 、公司效益最重要,防火安全第一条。 Enterprise efficiency is the most important, fire safety first. 、一人把好方向盘,众人坐好平安车。 One person holds the steering wheel, and everyone rides the safe car. 、防火须不放过一点火种,防事故须勿存半点侥幸。 Fire prevention must not let off a kind of ignition, accident prevention must not save a little luck. 、安全人人抓,幸福千万家。安全两天敌,违章和麻木。 Safety for everyone, happiness for millions of families. Security is two natural enemies, violation and paralysis. 、将安全牢牢的记在心中,平安将会伴随我们渡过美好的一 格言大全 希望对您有帮助,谢谢 生。 Keep security firmly in mind, and peace will accompany us through a good life. 、行人过路要小心,提前准备防万一。 Pedestrians should be careful when crossing the road. Prepare in advance just in case. 、平安,平安,平平安安,人人平安,家家欢欣。 Peace, peace, peace, everyone is safe, family is happy. 、漫漫人生路,安全第一步。 A long way to life, the first step to safety. 、麻木粗心一时,痛苦懊悔一世。 Paralysis for a moment, painful regret for a lifetime. 、劳保用品穿着好,遇险可把生命保。 Wear good labor in


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