中考英语- 热点作文预测(五)直播带货.docxVIP

中考英语- 热点作文预测(五)直播带货.docx

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16 热点作文预测(五)直播带货 直播带货相关作文 假如你是李华,因为新冠疫情( the COVID-19 epidemic))的影响,你的英国笔友May家开办的农场农产品滞销,写信向你求助。请你给她回封信,鼓励她参照中国的经验,自己做网络主播( network anchor),在家直播带货( promote goods sales through live streaming)。 内容包括 1.直播推销的设备; 2.直播推销的优势; 3.直播推销的建议。 参考词汇 1.拼单: share the bill;: 2.秒光:sell out within seconds; 3.网红营销:social Influencer marketing。 参考范文 Dear Mary, How are you getting along these days? Knowing that the produce on your farm is hard to sell during the COVID-19 epidemic, I really feel as worried as you. So, I'm writing to share some successful Chinese experience to help you. Chinese farmers came across the similar problem not long ago, but they came up with a creative solution:promoting goods sales through livestreaming. What you need are a computer or a cellphone with access to the Internet and a live stream platform or application for broadcasting. By taking advantage of social influencer marketing, the sellers can introduce the goods more efficiently and the buyers can watch the products visually in real time, thus, making the online trade more convenient. To ensure the quality of live streaming, make sure the equipment and the Internet are of good quality and the surroundings are quiet and free of disturbance. I do hope that it will be helpful to you. Best wishes! Yours sincerely, Li Hua 直播带货中考英语相关素材拓展 “直播带货”可以说是现今中国备受关注又极具发展潜力的新兴行业。 随着新冠疫情缓解,复工复产后,湖北联手抖音:13市长直播带货 百亿流量助力重启,取得非常好的效果。 亲眼见证了这一切的你,是否知道“网红带货”用英文怎么说? 网红带货 网红:social media influencer He is not only a social media influencer, but also a teacher. 他不只是个网红,还是个教师。 很多时候,我们都会把某个行业的意见领袖简称为:KOL,也可以表达网红的意思。 eg: Belling says influencer marketing was critical from day one, when popchips was just a little indie brand that could. Belling 说,网红带货从第一天起就至关重要,当时 popchips 还只是一个小的独立品牌。 直播 直播:live stream This is a wonderful live stream. 这是一场精彩的直播。 相关词汇: 网红直播:live video streaming / network broadcast 网络主播:network anchor live stream 直播 live 表示:现场直播 stream 表示:流量 eg: Let's watch the live stream together! 我们一起看直播吧! 直播带货相关热词 e-commerce live s


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