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中考一轮复习 中考一轮复习 PAGE PAGE 12 仁爱版八年级英语 Unit 4 核心词汇 clear?(adj.)?clearly (adv.)???????? ? beauty (n.)beautiful (adj.) nature?(n.)natural ( adj) goose(n.)geese (pl.) happy(adj.)happily(adv.)happiness(n.) important(adj)importance(n.) danger (n.)dangerous (adj) miss (v.) ?missing??( adj.) little (原级)less比较级???least???最高级 good/well(原级)better比较级?best ??最高级 bad/badly/ill(原级)worse比较级worst最高级 thin adj.(原级)thinner(比较级)thinnest(最高级) care(v./n.)careful(adj)carefully(adv.)careless(adj.)carelessness(n.) die(v.)death(n.) dead (adj.) drop(v./n.)dropped(过去式/过去分词)dropping(现在分词) control(原型)controlled(过去式/过去分词)controlling(现在分词) pleasure(n.)pleased(adj)pleasant(adj.) true(adj.)truly(adv.)truth(n.) 重点短语 share sth with sb分享 the way to do sth. 做某事的方法 lead/live a better/ happy life过着更……的生活 feed on 以……为食 think about 考虑,思考 be important to sb 对...重要 play with 玩弄,玩耍 in fact事实上 cover ...with... 用覆盖 thousands of成千上万 less and less 越来越少 in danger处于危险中 run after 追逐 as we(all) know 据我们所知 on the earth在地球上 lose one’s life /home失去某人的生命/家园 ask sb. for help 向某人求助 the number of 的数量 hear about/of 听说 get the news得到这条消息 keep you safe保证你的安全 keep/stay calm 保持镇静 close to 靠近 stay/keep away from 远离 sth. happen to sb. 某人发生了某事 try to do sth. 尽力去做某事 fall down 倒塌 move around 四处走动 call sb. for help 打电话求助 turn off/ on the gas 关掉/打开煤气 look up 查阅;向上看 cover your face 遮住你的脸 be able to do能做某事 go downstairs 下楼 and so on 等等 face to face 面对面 each other 互相 come into being 形成 use sth. to do sth. 用某物做某事 all kinds of 各种 chat online 在线聊天 change into 变成 a number of 许多 die out 灭绝 protect sb. from sth./doing sth. 保护某人免受的伤害 remember to do/doing sth. 记得去做某事/记得做过 考点剖析 【金点1】 Hey, Wang Wei, what are you thinking about?喂,王维,你在思考什么呢? think about 思考,考虑,后接名词,代词或共名词。 Eg: --I’m thinking about going there by bike.我在考虑骑车去那。 【拓展】 think over 仔细思考 think of 想起;认为 think about 考虑 Eg: Think it over before you make a decision. Don't think it about a


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