设计说明书 冲床上下料气动机械手的设计.pdf

设计说明书 冲床上下料气动机械手的设计.pdf

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冲床上下料气动机械手的设计 摘 要 机械手在机械加工、冲压、铸、锻、焊接、热处理、电镀、喷漆、装配、 轻工业、交通运输业等方面得到越来越广泛的应用。本文的机械手用于冲床上 下料,介绍它的组成和分类、自由度和座标型式、气动技术的特点、PLC 控制 的特点及国内外的发展状况,对机械手进行总体方案设计,确定机械手的座标 型式和自由度,确定机械手的技术参数,设计机械手的手臂结构,设计出机械 手的气动系统,绘制机械手气压系统工作原理图。利用可编程序控制器对机械 手进行控制,选取合适的 PLC 型号,根据机械手的工作流程制定可编程序控制 器的控制方案,画出机械手的工作时的顺序功能图和梯形图,并编制可编程序 控制器的控制程序。 关键词:机械手设计;冲床上下料;气动;PLC I Punch discharging pneumatic manipulator design Abstract Mechanical hand in machining, stamping, casting, forging, welding, heat treatment, plating, painting, assembly and light industry, transportation industry has been more and more widely applied. In this paper, the mechanical hand for punching baiting, introduces its composition and classification, degree of freedom and coordinate type, the characteristics of pneumatic technology, PLC control characteristics and the domestic and foreign development condition of the manipulator, the overall scheme design, the manipulator to determine the coordinate type and degree of freedom, identifying the mechanical the technical parameters, the design of the manipulator arm structure, design of manipulator pneumatic system, rendering the manipulator pneumatic system working principle diagram. Using programmable controller to control the mechanical hand, the appropriate selection of PLC models, according to the manipulator workflow developed programmable controller control scheme, draw the mechanical hand work order function diagram and ladder diagram, and the preparation of PLC control program. Key words: Design of manipulator; Punch blanking; Pneumatic; PLC I 目录 1


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