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PAGE PAGE 12 摘 要 中小企业是我国数量最大、最具创新活力的企业群体,在创造 GDP、增加出口、促进就业以及推动技术进步方面具有不可替代的作用。但在中小企业发展壮大的过程中,由于其自身经营规模和资金条件的限制,在人才引进方面遇到了很多困难。当今企业竞争的实质是人才的竞争,中小企业要想获得生存与持续发展,就必须改变当前招聘工作开展艰难的问题。本文依据中小企业自身特征和招聘工作的特点,采取个案研究的方法,对深圳卡瑞斯博公司目前人力资源现状进行研究,并在此基础上发现了其在招聘工作中存在的招聘渠道以及面试环节的问题,例如招聘渠道耗资巨大,面试环节设置过于简单,网络招聘宣传设计较为笼统和管理层对绩效考核理念认识不足的问题,进而对这些问题提出了相应的改善措施。建议从多元化招聘渠道的建设减少招聘成本,采取结构化面试应聘人员,科学设计招聘网络宣传海报和建立内部招聘审核标准完善招聘结构四个方面来改善当前招聘现状,并希望以此为其他中小企业提供相应的借鉴。 关键词:中小企业 招聘渠道 招聘结构 ABSTRACT Small and medium-sized enterprises are the largest and most innovative enterprise groups in China, which play an irreplaceable role in creating GDP, increasing exports, promoting employment and promoting technological progress. However, in the process of the development and expansion of small and medium-sized enterprises, due to the limitations of their own business scale and capital conditions, there are many difficulties in the introduction of talents. Nowadays, the essence of enterprise competition is talent competition. If small and medium-sized enterprises want to survive and develop continuously, they must change the difficult problem of current recruitment work. Based on the characteristics of small and medium-sized enterprises and the recruitment work, this paper adopts the method of case study to analyze the current situation of human resources in Shenzhen karisbo company, and on this basis, it finds out the problems of recruitment channels and interview links in the recruitment work, such as huge cost of recruitment channels, too simple setting of interview links, online recruitment publicity design The problems that are more general and lack of management's understanding of the concept of performance appraisal, and then put forward the corresponding improvement measures for these problems. It is suggested that the current recruitment situation should be improved from four aspects: reducing the recruitment cost through the construction of diversified recruitment channels, adopting structured int


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