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摘 要 随着时代的快速发展和科技的不断进步,人才作为企业最重要的资源之一,是企业提高核心竞争力的关键因素。企业的竞争归根结底就是人才的竞争,而人力资源六大模块中的培训与开发是有效提高员工技能,挖掘员工内在潜能的重要板块。而企业要获得长久发展的最根本手段是重视培训和提高员工的全面素质。目前,越来越多的企业不再认为人力资源是可有可无的存在,不再认为员工培训是无益投资。培训与开发已经成为众多企业人力资源的基础工作之一,但由此也出现了不同程度的培训问题,希望通过对此模块的研究,提高企业的培训质量。广东智通有限公司,是一家集委托招聘、人事代理、管理咨询等服务于一身的人力资源服务机构。本文以该公司为例,结合公司实际情况,对人才邀约岗位培训过程中存在的问题进行分析,提出相应的对策,希望对其他中小企业同类型岗位有参考作用。 关键词:智通公司 人才邀约岗位 培训 人力资源 Abstract With the rapid development of the times and the continuous progress of science and technology, talents, as one of the most important resources of enterprises, are the key factors for enterprises to improve their core competitiveness. In the final analysis, the competition of enterprises is the competition of talents, and the training and development in the six major modules of human resources is an important section to effectively improve the skills of employees and tap the inherent potential of employees. The most fundamental means for enterprises to achieve long-term development is to attach importance to training and improving the overall quality of employees. A growing number of companies no longer see human resources as a necessary necessity, or employee training as an unprofitable investment. Training and development has become one of the basic tasks of human resources in many enterprises. Hope to improve the quality of enterprise training through the study of this module. Guangdong Zhiton Co., Ltd. is a human resources service agency that combines entrusted recruitment, personnel agency, management consulting and other services. This paper takes the company as an example and combines the actual situation of the company, analyzes the problems existing in the process of talent invitation post training, and proposes corresponding countermeasures, hoping to have a reference role for other similar jobs in SMEs. Keywords: Zhiton Company Talent invitation positions Training Human resources 目 录 TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 一、引言 1 (一)研究背景 1 (二)研究意义 1 二、智通公司概述 2 (一)智通公司



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