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关于洗衣机的英语口语 小编今天给大家整理了有关英语口语的情景对话,想要提升英语成绩的话我们要好好学习英语哦,英语在我们生活中是很重要的哦,有需要的同学可以收藏起来哦 一投币洗衣机坏掉了 Coin-operated Washer ADad, something wrong with our washing machine and a lot of clothes need to be wash. What should I do about it? 爸爸,我们的洗衣机坏了,好多衣服要洗呢。怎么办呢? BUr, I am busy with my work. There is a coin-operated washing machine on the first floor. Let’s go. 恩,我在忙我的工作呢。一楼有一个投币洗衣机,我们去吧。 ACoin-operated washing machine? That sounds interesting. 投币洗衣机?听起来很有趣。 BYou just have to follow the instructions and put three coins in the slot of that washing machine. 你只需要按照说明,投三个硬币在洗衣机的投币孔里就行了。 ASo easy! Do I need to put some washing powder in? 这么简单!我需要加洗衣粉进去吗? BNo, you needn’t. That’s an automatic washer, all we need to do is just put the clothes in and then press the power button. 不,不需要。那是自动洗衣机,我们需要做的就是把衣服放进去,然后按电源按钮。 ADoes it dry the clothes too? 它也能甩干衣服吗? BYes. It spins and dries the clothes and also sterilizes them after that. Pick up the clothes. Let’s go. 是的。它旋转甩干衣服,然后对其进行消毒。带上衣服,我们走吧。 ADad, put three coins in this slot, right? Does it work if I put in two? 爸爸,投三个硬币在这个投币孔里,对吧?如果我投两个它会转吗? BIf you put two, it doesn’t work; and if you put four, it will refund one. Believe it or not, see for yourself. 如果你投两个硬币,它不会转;如果你投四个,它会退一个。信不信由你,试一试吧。 ADad, I put four in as you said but it doesn’t refund anything. Something wrong? 爸爸,我像你说的投了四个硬币,但是没有退啊。坏了吗? BOh, the coin gets snapped. Let me see. Ur, press the button and then refund. OK, have a try. 噢,吞币了。我来看看。恩,按下按钮,接着退币。好了,试试吧。 AIt still doesn’t work. Ur, there is a sign that says we can call this numberif the coin couldn’t be refunded. Let’s have a try. 还是没退币啊。恩,这有个标志牌上写着如果不退币请拨我们试试吧。 BWell, forget it. 噢,算了吧。 二我有三件衣物需要干洗 Dry-cleaning AWhat can I do for you? 能为你做点什么? BI've got a suit, a woolen sweater and a white shirt to wash. 我有一套西服、一件羊毛衫和一件白色衬衣要洗。 AOK, let me see. This white shirt c


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