自-2013版智能消费管理系统详细介绍 .docVIP

自-2013版智能消费管理系统详细介绍 .doc

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智能消费(收费)管理系统 Smart intelligent charging management system 系统简介 System Description 多奥智能消费(收费)管理系统是以卡为纽带,综合PC SOFT技术,智能卡读写技术等来实现费用收取的自动化及智能化。节省人力成本,避免人工操作的误差。 Intelligent charging management system is based on intelligent cards as information media,combined with intelligent card write-read technology,computer software technology and electronic control technology to achieve high degree of automation and intelligent management on charging. The communication network is used,so that the charging machine and computers can easily exchange data,combined with the intelligent charging management system to realize the fully automatic charging method of canteens,restaurants,shopping centers ,shopping malls and other entertainment establishments ,thus saving manpower,and at the same time also avoiding the error caused by a variety of human factors and achieving the e-money dining and shopping. 应用领域 Application areas  中小型工厂,机关事业单位,学校,医院,  品牌连锁店,酒店,食堂等经营场所,中高档 智能小区会所消费等。 Small and medium sized factories,organs,institutiongs, small campuses with single-charge feature,hospitals,brand stores and other shop premises,medium and high-grade intelligent community ,etc. 产品特点 Product features 1、 双面液晶显示,5排显示内容,单行10个汉字显示内容自定义 2、?全天支持24个时段 3、?防水、防油、防虫 4、 该产品集台式、挂式、IC、ID四合一,混合一体机功能 5、 同时具备消费机、充值机、补贴机的用处。 6、 外形美观,独具流线感。 7、 可与多奥电梯控制/停车管理/门禁/考勤/智能通道/在线巡更等智能一卡通           1, double-sided LCD, 5-row display the contents of a single line 10 character display content custom 2 all-day support 24 hours , Waterproof, anti-oil, pest control 4, the product set of desktop, hanging, IC, ID quadruple, mixed camcorder capabilities 5, along with consumer machines, top-up machine, subsidies usefulness of the machine. 6, pleasing in appearance, unique sense of flow lines. 7, with more than DUOAO  elevator control / parking management / access control / attendance / smart channel / Patrol and other smart card 主要技术参数 Main technical parameters 1、?下载速率为30000-36000/分钟 2、?采集记录速率为60000/分钟(


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