philosophical essays艾耶尔】哲学论文集.pdf

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PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS -i- [This page intentionally left blank.] -ii- PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS BY A. J. AYER, M.A., F.B.A. Grote Professor of the Philosophy of Mind and Logic in the University of London LONDON MACMILLAN CO LTD NEW YORK · ST MARTINS PRESS 1954 -iii- This book is copyright in all countries which are signatories to the Berne Convention MACMILLAN AND COMPANY LIMITED London Bombay Calcutta Madras Melbourne THE MACMILLAN COMPANY OF CANADA LIMITED Toronto ST MARTINS PRESS INC New York PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN -iv- TO JULIAN AYER -v- [This page intentionally left blank.] -vi- PREFACE WITH a few minor alterations, the essays which are collected in this volume are reprinted in their original form. Since many of the problems with which they deal are inter-connected, there is a certain amount of repetition, but I hope that it will not be file:////F|/Downloads/PHILOSOPHICAL ESSAYS .htm[2011-8-4 20:56:27] thought excessive. I do not think that there are any serious inconsistencies, though the short paper on The Identity of Indiscernibles raises doubts about the thesis of the paper on Individuals: this is, indeed, my reason for including it. While I have not reprinted anything that I now believe to be false, I should certainly not claim that all the questions treated had been satisfactorily disposed of. In particular, I think that there is still much work to be done on the subject of Basic Pro



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