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17级非音体美词汇部分试题(Vocabulary) 17级非音体美词汇题第一套 II. Vocabulary Directions: Fill in the blanks using some of the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. (15 points) estimate minor campaign proclaim detriment scratch ease original hazard reflection estimate minor campaign proclaim detriment scratch ease original hazard reflection estimate minor campaign proclaim detriment scratch ease original hazard reflection estimate minor campaign proclaim detriment scratch ease original hazard reflection estimate minor campaign proclaim detriment scratch ease original hazard reflection estimate minor campaign proclaim detriment scratch ease original hazard reflection estimate minor campaign proclaim detriment scratch ease original hazard reflection 1.They played only a ______role in local government. 2. He worked very long hours, to the ______of his marriage. 3. I don’t think George is capable of having ______ ideas. 4. Scientists _____that smoking reduces life expectancy by around 12 years on average. 5. On some level, a student’s grades are a _______on the teacher. 6. Polluted water sources are a _______to wildlife. 7. Florida was a key state in his _______for re-election. 8. He had been dreading their meeting but her warm welcome soon put him at ______. 9. The president ______the republic’s independence. 10. She was unharmed apart from a few cuts and _______. 17级非音体美词汇题第二套 II. Vocabulary Directions: Fill in the blanks using some of the words or phrases given below. Change the form where necessary. (15 points) estimate minor campaign proclaim detriment scratch ease original hazard reflection withdrawal tag draft articulate


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