The Purple Rose of Cairo《开罗紫玫瑰(1985)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Purple Rose of Cairo《开罗紫玫瑰(1985)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Cecilia, be careful. Are you all right? 西西丽雅,小心点,你没事吧? You're gonna like this one. lt's better than last week's. 你会喜欢这出戏的 比上周的还好看 lt's more romantic. 更浪漫 Miss, l wanted oatmeal before my scrambled eggs. 小姐,我先要麦片 才要炒蛋 Sorry. l'll get it right away. 对不起,马上来 l get cereal, too. And a doughnut. 我也要麦片,和一个甜甜圈 Cereal and a doughnut. Right. 麦片 和甜甜圈,好的 Listen, there's a new movie at the Jewel starting tonight. 宝石戏院今晚有新电影上映 l didn't even get to see last week's. 我连上星期的电影也没看过 You missed it? lt was wonderful. l love Jane Froman. 你错过了?它很好看 我喜欢珍佛罗曼 And James Melton plays a hotel porter... 詹姆斯梅尔顿饰演一个饭店杂役 and then he becomes a radio singer... 后来当了电台歌♥星 and then an opera singer. 后来又当上歌♥剧歌♥星 The music was just beautiful. 那音乐很动听 The one that l liked is ''Okay, America.'' 我喜欢的那首歌♥叫 [美国,你好] l saw that twice. That was great. 我看过两次了,很精彩 When she threatens to kill Lew Ayres-- 当她威胁要杀死卢亚理斯时… l love Lew Ayres' looks. Do you think he's married? 我喜欢卢亚理斯的样子 你看他结了婚没有? Are you crazy? He's married to Ginger Rogers. 你疯的吗?他娶了琴吉罗杰斯 They got married on a boat off the island of Catalina. 他们在卡塔利娜岛附近的 一艘船上结婚的 They live in Beverly Hills and Hollywood and Spain. 他们住在比华利山 好莱坞和西班牙 He used to be married to Lola Lane... 他以前娶过洛拉连恩 but Ginger's better for him. 但琴吉更合适他 Where's my toast? 我的吐司在哪里? Coming right up. One second. 很快就来,等一下 Ginger used to be married to Jack-- 琴吉以前嫁过给杰克… Let's go, girls. Let's go, Cecilia. 你们快点工作,来吧,西西丽雅 Your sister is slow. 你的姐姐很慢 But she's still learning. 但她还在学习 Ladies, there's a depression on. 小姐们,现在是经济萧条期 A lot of other people would like this job... 如果你做不来的话 if you can't handle it. 很多人想做这份工作 No, l can handle it. lt's OK. 不,我做得来的,可以的 Ginger used to be married to Jack Culpepper... 琴吉以前嫁过给杰克卡尔佩珀 who l think took out Ruth Chatterton before-- 他曾经跟露丝查特顿交往… That's the second one this week. 那是本周的第二次了 l'm sorry. l'll pick it all up. 对不起,我会收拾它的 Come on, Cecilia. Shape up. 来吧,西西丽雅,振作点 Hey, Monk, here comes your wife. 蒙克,你老婆来了 Boy, am l glad to see you. You got any dough?


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