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______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 馬雲美國 CBS 《60 分鐘》專訪 By now you ‘ve probably heard of Alibaba , the Chinese internet giant. 你大概已经听过阿里巴巴,一个中国网络巨头。 That ’s able to reach millions upon millions of previously unreahable Chinese consumers. 能接触上百万此前无法接触的中国消费者。 The company went public this month on the NEW YORK Stock Exchange, 该公司本月于纽约交易所上市 And became one of the most valuable in the world 已成为世界上市值最高的公司这一 And Alibaba is just getting started 而阿里巴巴才刚刚起步 Everything about the Alibaba story is unconvetional 阿里巴巴的故事很独特 Beginning with its founder , Jack Ma 故事要从其创办人马云说起 Who gained global celebrity status these past 10 days 过去这十天里,马云成了国际名人 As his image became ubiquitous on business news channels and media outlets across America. 美国各大商业新闻频道和媒体都挂满他的照片 精品资料 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ We got to know Jack Ma before the onslaught , beginning over a year ago in China 我们得以在一年前 在马云一跃成名前采访他 Where he talked with us about his relationship with the Chinese government 他与我们谈及了他与中国政府的关系 And his unorthodox business philosophy 还有他那另类的商业哲学 Which surprisingly ,gives shareholders almost no say over how he runs the company. 出乎意料地,他几乎不让股东影响他的公司运作, If you want to invest in us 如果你想在我们身上投资 We believe customer number one, employee number two,shareholder number three 我们相信,“顾客第一,员工第二,股东第三” If they don ’twant to buy that , thats fine. 如果他们不认同,没关系 If they are regret, they can sell us 如果他们后悔了,他们可以把股份卖掉 In the US,the shareholder is usually first 在美国通常都是股东第一的 Yeah, And i think they were wrong 是,而我认为他们错了 The shareholder, good . i respect them. But they ’re the third 股东,很好。我尊重他们,但他们排第三, 精品资料 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Because you ’ve take care of the customer,take care of the employees ,shareholder take care of. 因为照顾好顾客员工,股东就自然照顾好了。 Ma ’s inconvetional view didn ’tstop Wall Str


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