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温馨提示: 此题库为word版,请按住ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节适当观 看比例,点击右上角关闭按钮可返回目录。 中考题库16 副词 一、选取题 1.(·荆州中考) —Do you think yesterday’s math problem was difficult? —Yes. I could ________ work it out. A.hardly B.easily C.finally D.nearly 【解析】选A 2.(·晋江中考) --Don’t worry. My mother will look after your baby __________. --Thanks a lot. A. careful enough B. enough careful C. carefully enough 【解析】选C 3.( .河北中考) The Internet is very useful for us. We can find information. A. easy B. easily C. hard D. hardly 【解析】选B 4.(.盐城中考)They clapped and shouted_____ when they saw Yao Ming appear on the playground. A.hardly B.quietly C.excitedly D.angrily 【解析】选C 5.(.内江中考)Mr White said that he had ______visited the Great Wall before.It’s his first time to come to China. A.ever B.never C.once 【解析】选A 6.(.衢州中考) As we all know,smoking is bad for us ,______ for children. A. especially B. recently C. probably D. Nearly 【解析】选A 7.(·陕西中考)Sometimes it rains ________in Xi’an in summer. A.heavy B.heavily C.strong D.strongly 【解析】选B 8.(·定西中考)He doesn’t play the violin so as his fater. A. good B. better C. well D. best 【解析】选C 9.(·天津中考)I was so tired that I could ______walk any farther. A.nearly B.hardly C.really D.studeenly 【解析】选B 10.(·菏泽中考) I ________ ride a bike to school. But this morning I took a taxi because I got up late. A. never B. sometimes C. seldom D. usually 【解析】选D 11. (·沈阳中考) -Does Alice often work until 2 a.m.? -No,she ________ does. A. nearly B. certainly C. seldom D. always 【解析】选C 12. (·河南中考) The match was really fantastic, when Smith scored in the last minute. A. probably B. exactly C. especially D. mostly 【解析】选C。四个选项分别意为“也许”、“精确地”、“特别是”、“大某些”,结合题意“比赛真是很奇怪,特别是当史密斯在最后一分钟得了分”可选出对的答案为C。 13. (·枣庄中考) One day I’m going to retire ________. A. a village beautiful B. beautiful somewhere C. quiet somewhere D. somewhere quiet and beautiful 【解析】选D 14. (·江


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