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冀教版小学英语五年级下册;Unit 1 Going to Beijing ;Sum-up;Warm-up/Revision; run;jump; sing;【名词】 dancer 舞蹈家;【短语】 sit down 坐下; 【短语】 stand up 站起来;气球飞出时,快速说出你看到的单词的汉语意思,看谁打中的气球多。;;Please don’t run!;I’m sorry.;Let's do it!;2.Look, say and write.; 重点句型;Practice;;;;重点词汇;重点句型;;See you next time;Unit 1 Going to Beijing ;Sum-up;Warm-up/Revision; see;look 看;瞧;point 指,指向; now; draw; picture; 吃早餐 ;放风筝 ;游戏时间;;What do they see on the train?;;What are you doing?;Let’s do it!;2.Pair work. Point and talk.;What are you doing?; What are you doing now? 你现在在做什么?; ;重点词汇;重点句型; 课下自行查阅资料,写出十个动词的“-ing”形式。;See you next time;Unit 1 Going to Beijing ;Sum-up;What are you doing?; woman; baby;The woman is talking to the baby.; cry; tired; talk; sleep;游戏时间;;Is Jenny singing?;“Who is talking?”I ask. “Danny is talking,” says Jenny.”He is talking to the man behind you.”;;Let’s sing!;Let’s do it!;Practice;;;重点词汇;学会唱“Let’s sing!”部分的歌曲。;See you next time;Unit 1 Going to Beijing ;Who is hungry? 视频;Warm-up/Revision;hungry;fruit;thirsty;water; tea 茶; candy 糖果;快速“扫描”飞过的单词,并写下来,看谁写的又多又对。;;Who is hungry?;I’m not hungry, and I’m not thirsty, Mrs. Li. But I’d like some candy. I like candy very much!;Let's do it!;2.Look and write.;Practice;— Would you like some fruit?你想吃些水果吗? — Yes, please. I’d like an apple and an orange, Mrs. Li.好的。我想吃一个苹果和一个橙子,李太太。;;二、根据给出的句子连线。 Mickey Mouse would like some water. Donald Duck likes tea. Snow White would like some candy.;重点词汇;重点句型;;See you next time;Unit 1 Going to Beijing ;People on the train 视频;Would you like some …?; know 知道;read the newspaper看报;读报;have fun 玩儿得高兴; play 玩耍;游戏时间;;People on the train;Li Ming :The man behind me is playing cards with his friends. They're having fun;Danny:Jenny! Jenny:Oh! There you are. Danny:I'm playing with the baby. Jenny:May I play with the baby, too? Danny:Sure!;Let’s do it!;;Listen and repeat.;Practice;May I play with the baby, too?


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