The Caller《深夜到访(1987)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Caller《深夜到访(1987)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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你好 - Hello? 这儿有人吗 Anyone around? 我有点儿急 I'm kind of in a hurry. 钱我放在加油泵上了哦 Money's on the pump. 好吧 拜拜 Nice talking to ya. 有机会再聊 Catch you later. 哈喽 Hello? 有人在这儿吗 Is anybody here? 谁在那儿 Who's there? 请帮我把电♥话♥转给艾莉森 艾莉森·伯内特 I wanna speak to Alison, Alison Bernet. 我是她妈妈 This is her mother. 我会在这儿等着 I'll wait. 艾莉森 你还好吗 Alison, are you all right? 我被吓到了 I got scared. 我必须打给你 I had to call. 我不太清楚 I don't know. 只是有种不祥的预感 Just a feeling. 当然 我为我唯一的女儿感到担心 Well of course I worry about my only daughter. 你知道的 妈妈们都是这样 You know us mothers. 总是胡思乱想 小题大做 What cranky, fusspots we are. 你有好好吃饭吗 Are you eating three meals a day? 他们对你还算好吗 Are they treating you like a human being? 一个小女孩... A little girl who's... 啊 我 又说这些了 I know, there I go again. 真是个坏习惯 Bad habit. 你很好 You're fine. 我也很好 I'm fine. 好吧 我现在正站在地毯上 水都滴下来了 Well, I'm standing here dripping onto the rug. 我刚洗完澡 I just got out of the shower. 简直像黑湖妖谭 The "Creature from the Black Lagoon” 准备去吃晚饭了 getting ready for supper. 这次一定会很顺利的 It's gonna be really fine this time. 你会看到的 艾莉森 You'll see, Alison. 你会为妈妈要做的事 You're gonna be proud of Mommy. 感到骄傲 Of what Mommy's going to do. 做个好女孩哦 Be a good girl. 记得做祈祷 And say your prayers. 记住 我爱你 Remember, I love you. 再见 甜心 Bye, sweetie. 该死的 Damn! 哦 拜托 又切到手了 Oh, not again! 噢 终于到了 Oh, at last. 来了 Coming! 万事俱备就等你了 Everything's ready for you. 嗨 你好 我 Hi, there, I... 嗨 这儿呢 - Hi, there. 你好 要是我吓到你了 很抱歉 Hi, I'm sorry if I frightened you. 你 没吓到我 - You didn't frighten me. 但是你没有立刻应门 - Well you didn't answer right away. 啊 我当时在厨房♥ - Ah, I was in the kitchen. 我一直在等客人来 I'm expecting company any minute. 事实上 我意识到你就是那个客人 Ah, in fact, I thought you were him. 谁 - Who? 我的同伴 - My company. 当你没立刻应门的时候 - When you didn't answer right away, 我绕到了房♥后 I went around to the back. 我想没准有其它进去的路 I thought there might be another way in. 没那种路 - There's not. 我的意思是 我 I mean, I'm- 你的意思是说你只知道这条路 - You mean this is the only way in that you're aware of. 没错 - Yes. 嗯 我想也是 - Yeah, I thought so. 我想知道我能不能用一下你的电♥话♥ I w



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