Sunshine Cleaning《阳光清洗(2008)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Sunshine Cleaning《阳光清洗(2008)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Attention all fellow deer. 鹿同伴们注意了 If you find deer feet in the middle of the forest be a bit suspicious. 假如你在森林中发现鹿的踪迹 请当心 Morning sir, how are you doing? Good. 早安 你好吗 先生 不赖 I am looking for a 20 gauge, maybe a coach, 我想要支20口径的猎枪 Or a western competition special. 西部竞赛用的也行 I think I just have what you need. 我正好有你要的枪 Try this one on for size. 你先看看这个尺寸 Hey Cliff, Are 12 gauges and 20 gauge shotgun shell should be here by Thursday? 克里夫 12到20口径的猎枪周四到货吗 I'll make it Tuesday with the. 454 capsule. 还有0.454的微型枪 周二就能到货 A real rager, huh? 还真是郁闷啊 Norah What? 诺拉 干吗 Norah, the restaurant is on the phone. 诺拉 餐厅来电♥话♥了 You're supposed to be at work. 你该去上班 I'm sleeping Dad. 我正睡觉呢 爸爸 Hurry up. 快一点 You're fired. I am stumbled. 你被解雇了 我绊倒了 Just a couple of question here. 就几个问题 Alright, is it 12 gauge? A 20 gauge. 是12口径的吗 20口径的猎枪 Here is your contract. 这是你的合约 I hate the shotgun cases, a real pain in the ass. 猎枪案件真讨厌 够麻烦的 He had the shell in his pocket when he came in here. 他带子弹来的 Inside his jacket. He brought his own ammo. 放在夹克内袋 自备弹♥药♥ Then he was up there. 那一枪把他打上天花板 The guy scattered all over this place, 血溅得到处都是 Every his blood is biohazard. 每滴血都是生化危害 Hey Carl, his over here and fishing too. 卡尔 连鱼竿上都有血 Real pain in the ass. 要多麻烦有多麻烦 Alright, thank you guys. 好了 谢谢各位合作 Alright, we wrapping it up. 我们会擦干净的 $ 3000 just to wipe the asshole off the floor. 花3000元才能把这混♥蛋♥的血洗干净 Do you can handle this report tonight? 你今晚能交报告吗 I got thing to do. 我晚上有事 Was it blonde thing or brunette thing? 约了金发女郎 还是黑发女子? You are strong, you are powerful, you can do anything. 你强大 有力 无所不能 You are a winner. 你是胜者 Norah is here. 诺拉来了 Finally,thank you.I'll going to be late for the class. 终于来了 谢天谢地 我上课要迟到了 I brought you crunchy corn. 我带了爆米花 Sorry. 对不起 Guys. Don't eat too much of that. 别吃太多 He going to be hyper all night, you realize that? 他会整晚激动过头的 懂吗 Yes, I do. 明白 How do I look like? Good. 我样子还行吗 漂亮 I love you. 我爱你 And do not tell him lobster-man


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