Sling Blade《弹簧折刀(1996)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Sling Blade《弹簧折刀(1996)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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长官 Hey, sheriff. 水星的确是一辆好车 A Mercury is a real good car. 那天我就开着那辆车 That was the car I was driving that day. 我有很多辆车 I owned a lot of cars. 是的 不同牌子的 Yeah, different kinds. 很多不同牌子的车 A lot of different kinds of cars. 她就站在那儿 那女孩... She was standing, this girl... 就站在靠近鸡店的路边 on the side of the street by this chicken stand. 可不是什么肯德基 其实是个妓院 Not the Colonel's, a different chicken stand. 于是我就把我的水星停在了路边... I pulled the Mercury up alongside... 摇下电动车窗 and rolled down the window by electric power. 当时她穿了件皮毛短裙... And she had this leather skirt on... 她头发很多 一直披到胳膊上 and she had a lot of hair on her arms. 我喜欢那种烫发 非常喜欢 I like that. lt means a big bush, which I like. 她对我说 She says, 你要和我约会吗 "Are you dating?" You know? 我说当然 然后她就进了我的车子... I said, "Sure." So she gets in... 我们把车开到了一个... and we pull off into... 没人的地方 我们觉得都很尽兴 this remote location comfortable for both of us. 于是她对我说 你要付我多少钱 She says, "How much do you want to spend?" 我说 我付你烫头发的钱 你知道那很贵的 I said, "Enough to see your bush. I know it's big." 她说25美元 She says, "$25." 对一个工薪阶层来说 这可不是个小数目 That's not chicken feed to a working man. 可我还是给了她25美元 她把钱放进鞋里... I produce the $25, she sticks it in her shoe... 穿上了裙子... pulls up her skirt... 露出了我那又细又弯 and there is thin, crooked, 包着的小家伙 uncircumcised penis. 你可以想象 我当时多么想把25美元拿回来 You can imagine I wanted my $25 back. 怎么吓成这样 Why are you weirded out? 简直就是个傻蛋屋 It's not San Quentin. It's a nut house. 大多数人甚至不知道自己在哪里 Most patients don't know where they are. 他们不会伤害你 They won't hurt you. 几分钟后就要和杀人犯在一起了 你不害怕吗 It doesn't bother you we'll be facing a killer in a few minutes? 可是你想在传媒界立足的 You wanted to major in journalism. 这是报社派来的记者们 They're from that newspaper deal. -还是学生 -是的 先生 -From the college? -Yes, sir. -我是杰瑞·沃瑞吉 -我是玛莎·维金斯 -I'm Jerry Woolridge. -I'm Marsha Dwiggins. 这是特里莎·埃文斯 她负责拍照 She's Theresa Evans. She's here to take pictures. 你们都坐下吧 Y'all sit down. 是有个叫约翰·莱格特的小伙子 在一家加油站工作 A man named John Leggitt Hunter had a filling station. 那个加油站很不错 A good filling station business. 不过他只是萍水相逢中的一个 我也肯定... He was the



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