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Study design: Retrospective(回顾) clinical study with 1-year follow-up. Objectives: Treatment of faecal incontinence by permanent sacral骶椎 nerve stimulation (SNS) in patients suffering from cauda equina syndrome (CES). Setting: Klosterneuburg, Austria. 研究设计:回顾临床一年期的随访研究 目标:永久骶神刺激经治疗马尾末端综合症患者的失禁问题;Background and purpose: A flaccid(微弱) paresis(局麻) of the sphincter ani muscle and the pelvic floor combined with faecal incontinence can occur in patients suffering from CES as a result of a trauma(痛苦经历) in the region of the lumbar腰部 spine脊柱. If the incontinence失禁 cannot be managed by the use of laxatives泻药 or anal tampons棉塞, the patient is restricted限制 in his/her quality of life. Thus, it was our aim to improve sphincter function and anal sensitivity to achieve voluntary自主 rectal直肠 defaecation排便. 背景和目的:患有CES的病人有受苦于其腰部脊柱区域,他们会有微弱的肛门括约肌局部麻醉和结合着失禁的盆底问题。如果失禁不能用泻药或者肛门棉塞来控制,那么他或她,病人的生活质量就会被限制。所以,我们想要提高括约肌功能和灵敏度来达到自主意识的直肠排便。;Materials and methods: The functional integrity完整性 of at least one sacral root (S2–S4) was determined through percutaneous经皮的 nerve evaluation (PNE). Following this analysis, a period of external temporary临时 SNS was performed to evaluate the functional effect. If there was a decrease in the number of episodes片段 of faecal incontinence during this evaluation period, a neurostimulation激发 device装置 (InterStim; Medtronic) was implanted植入. 材料和方面:根据经皮神经评估的方法测定至少骶椎根(S2-S4段)具有完整功能。下面的分析中,使用一段时间的外部临时骶神经刺激来评估功能效果。植入激发装置(InterStim治疗方法,美敦力公司)后,评估实验过程中失禁发生的次数是否减少。;Patients: A total of 11 patients suffering from flaccid松弛的 paresis 局麻of the anal sphincter muscle and faecal incontinence caused by CES underwent经历 PNE, which was successful in 8 patients. Two of these patients were eliminated排除 from the procedure过程 at the end of the temporary SNS period, one patient refused the permanent implantation. Therefore, five patients proceeded进行 to permanent implantation, which led to an improved continence节制 in all the cases. 患者:马尾末端综合症引起肛门括约肌局部麻痹松弛的总数11人的患者用过经皮神经刺激后治疗,8名患者有效。其中2名患者在最后的临时


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