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机密★启用前 山东省2017年普通高校招生(春季)考试 英语试题 木试卷分卷一(选择题)和卷二(非选择题)两部分,满分80分.考试时间60分钟 考生谙在答翘节上答题,考试结束后,请洛木试卷和答题卡一并交回口 卷一 (选择题,共50分) 一、英语知识运用(本题30个小撅,每小题1分,共30分.在每小题列出的四个选项中,只 有一项符合题目要求,请将符合题目要求的选项字母代号选出,并填涂在答题卡上) Whose dictionary- is this? ,She bought it vesterd^ B, sisLcr'fi 一 What a ^ onderiul model car! Thunks T made it with a 3-D printer by A. it B me C itself D myself — It is reported that there nre Nke-sharing app users m Chinn now —Yes, bike-sharing scmcc has brought us great convtnience A. five millions R. Hve niitlions of C. million of D. mill ions of 4. 一 Amy; whui'4 the date totlay? A Sunday E. A quarter lo three C? May 14lh — 1 think students can have cel) phenes tc help with their studies. .Ihtjy often use Lhem to play games insttiail of slud\Ling. A. 1 dont think so 13 AU right C. You are welcome Tim, f(tc you fond skill-tniinin^ ehsnes? 、言.they are mv lavoritc?4. A. wilh B. of C. al D. Summer holiday D (j ood idea 10. Rxhy, more and more people like to use WeChM [微信)I。each other A. Icok out B. prepare for ― I really hope every thing goes well. —So do I. A. what B. uhich [2, Could I spciik to pEiisc? - Oh, snrryL she isn't in. A. Thafs OK B Forget il 1 工 Excuse me. Is there a superinarket nearby'.' A. H. please B, Nb. thanks 一 Have vou read (he books by Mo YarP Ycst Yvc learned A lot Irom his books. A. write B. writing —? 一 1 have 口 pain in iny chest A. Have you bad an injection C. Have you taken your ictnperaiurc 16. When does the concert st in0 C. why C1. I>in t Encntion it C. written D. KdnlT D. ihai D. Hold oik please D, Yes, I am D. to write B. What、wrong with you D. How long have you been like this FREE CONCERT Music of the 50 s Where: FOREST PARK When: Sat, June 2 7 pm - 9 pm Seats are limited. Register ASAP. , I'm disappointed to miss」ohr\ who ot tlie hotel ju^t now A. checked out B. checked in C. checkt:d up . — Would you like to fill in ihc farm? —Sure. I'hank von. A. apply B applied C applicant - Ed ward gtJls on 仇 Hl gilh his 匕5业itnate叁? Yuf He is a1wa\r


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