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第 PAGE 第 PAGE 1 页 共 NUMPAGES 14 页 Part 1. 万能背景简洁版(10句) laserman 适用:四级同学以及准备比较晚的六级同学。 1. With the reform and opening-up in recent decades in China, people’s living standard has been significantly improved. 随着中国的改革开放,人民的生活质量被显著提高。 2. With a sharp increase in population, people’s work and life are increasingly stressful.? 随着人口增多,人们的工作和生活越来越有压力。 3. As the job market is getting gloomy and competition is becoming fierce, it is increasingly difficult for college undergraduates to find a decent job.? 随着劳动力市场变得低迷,竞争日趋激烈,对于大学生来说找到一份好工作越来越困难。 4. The Internet has penetrated every aspect of daily life, greatly affecting our ways of communication. 因特网渗透到我们日常生活的方方面面,很大程度影响了我们交流的方式。 5. Higher education plays a key role in aiding students’ growth and development.? 高等教育在帮助学生成长和发展中扮演着关键角色。 6. With the rapid development of the economy and society, public morality has declined to an extent.? 随着经济和社会的发展,公共道德已经衰落到一定的程度。 7. Schools nowadays tend to pay special attention to the students’ academic scores rather than their morality. 如今,学校更重视学习成绩,而非学生的道德。 8. It is well-known that we exist in a dynamic world with various difficulties. We can do nothing but face them.? 众所周知,我们住在一个动态的世界里,面临很多困难。我们只能面对他们。 9. The value of life lies not in the length of days, but in the use we make of them. So having right values in life is very important for us, especially youngsters. 生命的价值并非在于天的长度,而是在于我们怎么利用他。因此具有正确的价值观非常重要,尤其是年轻人。 10. Travelling can enlarge our experiences, relax our mind and widen our circle of friends. 旅游能增加我们的经历,放松我们的心情,以及拓展我们的朋友圈。 Part 2.?万能背景替换版(11句) 适用:六级水平较好的或者想和别人与众不同的,句后都标上可以替换之前的万能背景哪一句。 经济类: 1. The Chinese economy experienced astonishing growth in the last few decades.(替换万能背景3) 中国经济在过去几十年经历了惊人的增长。 2. Owing to the steady and rapid economic development of our country, people’s living standard is simultaneously improving at a fast rate. (替换万能背景1) 随着我们国家稳定和快速的经济增长,人民的生活质量同时快速提高。 社会类: 3. With Chinese universities keep expanding their scale of students’ enrollment, college studen


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