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实用文案 实用文案 标准文档 标准文档 has bee n arapidly, SO It PrOmOteS train. LUCkilyJ the以约30 has bee n a rapidly, SO It PrOmOteS train. LUCkilyJ the 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。 【忌照抄原句!忌添加自己观点! 30词左右!】 1.以约120个词对“春运”进一步叙写‘内容包括: 不懂购票;系统本身不够先进。 其实这两点可以从阅读材料中找到,但是必须用不同方式来表达】 (3)给铁道部或者农民工提出解决“网上购票”问题的合理化建议。【针对上一段提出的两方面问 题来写】 “读写任务式作文”写作训练 Focus: 30词的摘要怎么写? (限时训练十五作文)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇 150词左右的英语短文。 AS We all know, the 44 (PaSSe nger) tran SPOrt duri ng the SPring FeStiVal PeriOcl hot PhraSe all through the Chinaland? The VOlUme Of PaSSenger traffic(客运量)reaches its CIimaX before and after the SPring FeStiVaL ESPeCially, the number Of those WhO CleCide to go back to their hometown by train is inCreaSing the ShOrt Of the tickets Of PaSSenger MiniStry Of RailWays( 铁道咅 B) has COme UP With solutions. FOr instanee, it arτanges extra trains duri ng the Peak time for PaSSe nger tran SPOrt as WeIl as OPe ns 24-hour ticket SaleS Win dows for PaSSe ngers in Order to ease the traffic PreSSUre. MOreOVer, it helps to deliver train tickets to the doorsteps, PrOViCli ng ConVenienCe for PaSSe ngers. Onething that has to be mentioned this year is about Start Of Selling tickets On-Iine this year. FOr One thing, it to SOme degree ShOrtens the time Of PUrChaSing tickets. However, most Of the PaSSe ngers are migra nt WOrkerS returni ng home for SPring FeStiVaL They are not familiar With the PrOCeSS Of buying tickets and as a result CannOt buy the tickets On time. What is worse, many COmPUterS Selli ng tickets broke dow n Un der too much PreSSUre Of OPerati OrL Therefore, many PeOPle blame SUCh a method in that it doesn r t SUit nowadays 附:广东高考概括部分评分细则: ?完全糊涂地照抄原文,连人称都不改的,得 附:广东高考概括部分评分细则: ?完全糊涂地照抄原文,连人称都不改的,得 0分; However5 SOme PeoPIe think there are also Some CliSadVantaqes. TOO much WOrk may reduce StUde nts r StUdy time Whe n they ShOUlCl get the best Of their SChOOl life. ThUS it WiIl have a bad effect Onqaininq kno WleCIqe. AnO ther CiiSaelVa ntage is that money earn ed5 if not ProPer USeCI, may IeaCl to SOme b


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