Planet Hulk《星球绿巨人(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

Planet Hulk《星球绿巨人(2010)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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Ten, nine, eight, seven, 十 九 八 七 six, five, four, three... 六 五 四 三... One. 一 I am truly sorry for what we've had to do. 我很报歉 但我们必须这么做 But we had no choice. 除此之外 我们别无选择 When you get angry, Bruce, when you're overcome by rage, 布鲁斯 当你生气或愤怒时 you are a force of destruction. 你就会变成一个破坏者 O most divine creator, 啊!伟大的创世主 I seek thy hand, 我祈求你的帮助 and pray for the health of Sakaar, 愿您保佑我们这四分五裂的 for we are a divided and dying world. 萨卡人能够和谐 统一 Through the ancient prophets, 我们从古老的预言得知 you have promised us a warrior saviour. 您会派一名拯救者给我们 You fear nothing 你什么都不怕 and even the mightiest heroes of Earth cannot deter you. 就算是地球上最强的勇士也阻挡不了你 A warrior who looks into the eyes of death and stands his ground. 一个敢于直视死神之眼的勇士 挺立在大地之上! The madder you get, the stronger you get, 你越愤怒就越强大 and there is no limit to your rage. 而你的愤怒是没有极限的 A warrior with boundless strength whose power knows no end. 一个有着无穷无尽力量的勇士 We picked your destination carefully. 所以我们精心地为你挑选了目的地 A planet full of vegetation and game, no intelligent life-forms. 一个充满了植被和竞技的星球 没有任何智慧生物的存在 There will be no one there to hurt you and no one you can hurt. 在那儿 没有人可以伤害你 Warning. Guidance system off-line. Trajectory altered. 警报!导航系统离线 航道改变 I know you must hate us, Bruce, 布鲁斯 我知道你会恨我们 but you always said you wanted to be left alone. 但你也常说你希望一个人生活 May you finally find peace. 希望能如你所愿! And this warrior shall strike down all evil, 这名勇士将打败所有邪恶 unite all kingdoms, 统一各国 and through his blood shall restore life to all of Sakaar. 他的血液 能让萨卡星球恢复生机 O most divine creator, 噢 伟大的创世主 deliver to us our saviour, the Sakaarson. 请赐给萨卡人拯救者吧 By order of the Lord Emperor of Sakaar, 奉萨卡国王之命 all debris of value which exits 只要是在大门出现的 the Great Portal is Imperial property. 任何有价值的东西 都是国王的财产 Isn't right. .不是的 First finders, that is the law. He belongs to us! 是我们先找到的 照规矩他应该是我们的! Enough. Now kneel. 够了!给我跪下 The talkbots have reached your brain by now, beast, 怪物 语言译码已经进入你的大脑 which means you understand me. 意味着你可以听懂我的话 So, on your knees. 所以 给我跪下 Kneel. 跪下! Close enough. 这


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