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摘要 改革开放以来,为了使我国的经济和地理环境的资源得到更好的进展,也是便于国家的法律 在经济特区得到更好的执行,在实践和理论中采取先行先试的方式,在我国沿海地区设立了几个经 济特区并给予经济特区立法变通权,我国政策的重要体现在经济特区实行特别的经济政策,灵活的 经济措施、特别的经济治理体制和享有立法的变通权,也是使我国法律在经济特区的稳定执行起到 重要的作用。深圳市经济特区的立法变通权的行使和运用存在一些问题,通过分析问题得到启发, 从而需要着手去解决,建立相关的制度,完善法律法规以及救济制度等。这样,立法变通权才能很 好地在经济特区中更好的使用,使之在经济特区中发挥更大的作用。 关键词 :经济特区制度 立法变通权 变通权法理 完善经济特区制度的立法变通权 ABSTRACT Since the reform and opening up, in order to make our country's economic and geographical environment resources get better development, and also to facilitate the national law to be better implemented in the special economic zone, we have taken the way of first trying in practice and theory, set up several special economic zones in the coastal areas of our country and granted the special economic zone the right of legislative flexibility. The important embodiment of our policy is the implementation of the special economic zone Special economic policies, flexible economic measures, special economic management system and the flexibility of legislation also play an important role in the stable implementation of our laws in special economic zones. There are some problems in the exercise and application of the legislative flexibility in Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, which need to be solved by analyzing the problems, establishing relevant systems, improving laws and regulations and relief system. In this way, the legislative flexibility can be used better in the special economic zone and play a greater role in the special economic zone Key words: Special Economic Zone System, legislative flexibility, flexibility, improve the legal principle of the special economic zone system legislative flexibility 目录 一、 引言1 二、 我国经济特区立法变通权的历史回顾2 (一)经济特区的立法权的


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