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是今天吗 Is today the day? 我也不知道 I don't know. 也许吧 Maybe. 你的直觉是什么 What's your gut tell you? 很恶心 That I'm nauseous. 别那么望文生义啊 How about less literally? 我害怕做决定 I'm afraid of deciding. 我无所畏惧 I'm not afraid of either scenario, 我只是希望我们能共同完成这个 but I just want this to be something we're doing, 而不是我们无法共同完成的 not something we're not doing. "这个"是什么意思 What does "this" mean? "这个"意味着无论我们作何决定 "This" meaning whatever we decide. "这个"听起来像是某种决定 Well, "this" sounded like some kind of decision. 不 No. 不是的 It wasn't. 我们今天做什么 What are we gonna do today? 去布鲁克林还是曼哈顿? Brooklyn or Manhattan? 我们刚刚不是在讨论这个 That's not what we were talking about. 我清楚我们现在的话题 I know what we're talking about. 你想干什么 What do you want to do? 怎么了 What? 有何不可呢 Why not? 我们不能那么做 We can't do that. 为什么 Why not? [不确定] [7月4日] [绿] [黄] 我觉得送花给我妈比较合适 So I thought it would be a good idea to get my Mom flowers, 那我们路过花店的时候去买♥♥ so we'll stop at a florist on the way. -她会喜欢的 -当然 - She'll like that. - Yes, she will. 我可以邀功吗 Can I take credit? 我还想邀功来着 It was my plan. -中式点心 -中式点心 - Dim sum. - Dim sum. 我们不去参加家庭野外烧烤 没关系吗 Is it cool we're not seeing your family for the barbecue? 没关系 我得找个借口 Yeah. It's great. I needed the excuse. 我今天无法陪伴在他们身边 I can't be around them today. 而我真是个完美的借口 And I'm the perfect excuse. 不 我不是把你当做... No, I wasn't trying to make you... 没关系 No, it's all right, 谁叫你妈那么喜欢我呢 'cause your Mom adores me so much anyway. 等等 我的屁♥股♥下面有个安全带 Hold on, there's a seat belt in my ass. 这是什么 你买♥♥新手♥机♥了吗 What is this? Did you get a new phone? 没啊 No. 天哪 是2010版的 My God, this is, like, the 2010 version. 现在肯定有人在怨天尤人呢 Someone is hating life right now. 交给司机吧 Let's just give it to the cabbie. 不 不 等等 别给他 No, no, wait, don't give it to him. -别给他 -别这样 给他吧 - Don't give it to him. - Come on, let it. -不行 不行 -为什么 - No, no, no. - Why? 他不会归还失主的 他会卖♥♥掉的 He won't give it back, he'll just sell it. 你忘了吗 一个月前我在出租车上丢了手♥机♥ Don't you remember I lost my phone just, like, a mo


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