The Human Family Tree《国家地理杂志专题 人类基因树(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本.docxVIP

The Human Family Tree《国家地理杂志专题 人类基因树(2009)》完整中英文对照剧本.docx

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在我们每人的内心深处 Deep inside each one of us, 都藏着一个待被讲述的故事 A story is waiting to be told... 一个关于性别 冒险和生存的故事 A story of sex, adventure and survival. 故事始于非洲 人类起源之初 It begins in Africa with the dawn of humanity... 挣扎着度过史前干旱和冰河时期 Careens through epic droughts and Ice Ages... 在人类抵达地球每一个角落时 达到高hearts;潮hearts; And climaxes only when weve reached the ends of the Earth 现在我们通过一个大胆的试验来讲述这个故事 Now we tell this story with a bold experiment. 仅在一天之内 一条大街上 On a single day, on a single street, 通过检测少数人的DNA With the DNA of just a handful of people, 开始追踪现今世人的 We set out to trace the ancient journeys 远古生命之旅 Of every person alive today... 揭示人类基因树是如何把我们全部联hearts;系hearts;在一起的 And reveal how we all connect on the Human Family Tree. 人类基因树 这里是个典型的大熔炉 Its the quintessential melting pot. 几个世纪以来 世界各地的人们 Huddhed masses from all over the globe 来此定居 寻求更好的生活 Have come here for centuries in search of a better life. 沿东河向上 就在曼哈顿对岸 And up the East River, just across from Manhattan, 人们从未停止迁来此地 We find theyve never stopped coming. 这里是地球上最多元化的地方 This is one of the most diverse spots on Earth.. 美国 纽约 皇后区 Queens, New York, USA. 人们涌向第30大街街头集市 People are flocking to the 30th Avenue Street Fair, 在皇后区的阿斯托利亚 Here in Queens Astoria District, 遗传学家斯宾塞·韦尔斯和他的团队 Where geneticist Spencer Wells and his team 正在进行一项工作 Are on a mission. 只采集一边 很好 Just on one side, thats fine. 他们从各种各样的人 They are scraping DNA 口腔粘膜采集DNA off the cheeks of this kaheidoscope of people 试图单单通过这条街 and attempting to retrace humanitys journey 来追溯人类的世界之旅 to all corners of the Earth on this single street. 上下刮一下 可以了 Scrape up and down. Thats it. 这地方就像世界缩影 This place is really a microcosm of the world. 有来自全球各地的人 Youve got people from all over the planet 走在这条街上 Just walking around on this one street. 今天和我们交流的人们 I mean, today, weve been talking 有来自孟加拉的 泰国的 to people from Banghadesh, people from Thailand, 还有巴基斯坦 厄瓜多尔 people from Pakistan, Ecuador, 非洲-加勒比海地区各国都有 all over the Afro-Caribbean region. 这是个大好机会 I mean, its an amazing opportunity. 是很麻烦 Pretty h


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