Unit 1 Teenage Life Period 4 Reading for Writing(Ⅰ) 要点内化课 课件 2021-2022学年人教版高一英语.ppt

Unit 1 Teenage Life Period 4 Reading for Writing(Ⅰ) 要点内化课 课件 2021-2022学年人教版高一英语.ppt

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自主素养储备 知识素养积淀 课时素养达标 Unit 1 Teenage Life Period 4 Reading for Writing(Ⅰ) 要点内化课 Ⅰ. 根据语境及汉语提示写出单词 1. Looking at a situation in a new way will make it easier to find new ________(解决 办法). 2. Thanks to their hard work, the new bridge has been finished ahead of ________(工作计划). 3. ______ (青年时期)is a period of our life when we see no limit to our hopes and wishes. ? 4. This is the small house less than 15 square meters, under whose roof lives a large family of three __________(代). 自主素养储备 solutions schedule Youth generations 5. It is strange that the small boy should work out such a difficult exercise, which is even hard to settle for ______(成人). adults Ⅱ. 根据语境选词并用其适当形式填空 improve, responsible, behaviour, attract, addict 1. Never try to cheat in the exams, because if you do you will never get away with your ill _________. 2. As students, while we have made full use of our time to study, there’s still room for ____________. 3. I have almost finished the news. As for the title, do you have any advice to make it more _________? behaviour improvement attractive 4. Even if you are a shopping ______, limiting your spending habit is very possible. 5. _____________ is one of the top qualities parents want their children to have when they grow up. addict Responsibility 词 汇 微 空 间 动词+-tion→名词 attract 吸引    →attraction 吸引 donate 捐赠 →________ 捐赠 contribute 贡献 → ___________贡献 educate 教育 → _________教育 distribute 分发 →___________分发 donation contribution education distribution Ⅲ. 根据语境选择短语, 并用其适当形式填空 focus on, be responsible for , be addicted to, be worried about , be attracted by 1. He _______________his worrying son, who is always skipping classes. ? 2. It is the husband, rather than the wife, that is __________________the spoiled boy. ? 3. The old man stood there with his eyes __________the picture. ? 4. ___________the beauty of the countryside, the old couple decided to stay another week on the farm. ? 5. He ______________reading, so he di



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