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精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载 最新 精品 Word 欢迎下载 可修改 精品 Word 可修改 欢迎下载    课后考题训练(十六) [范围:Unit 8 (八年级下册) 时间:30分钟] Ⅰ.单项选择 1.It is ________ for us to use energy ________ the sun, wind and water. A.wise; of B.wisely; from C.wise; from D.wisely; of 2.Those new types of energy ________ and produce ________ pollution. A.costs very little; more B.cost so much; little C.costs so much; more D.cost very little; little 3.We should try our best to save energy, because they may ________ some day. A.come out B.put out C.carry out D.run out 4.A number of trees have been cut down. ________, the environment is becoming worse and worse. A.As a result B.So that C.As a result of D.In fact 5.In order to save power, we should ________ the lights when we leave a room. A.turn up B.turn down C.turn on D.turn off 6.________ volunteers from all over the country take part in the charity show. A.Three hundreds of B.Hundred of C.Three hundreds D.Hundreds of 7.2021·雅安Trees ________ on both sides of the road next year. A.will plant B.will be planted C.are going to plant D.are planted 8.Thanks to the Internet, different kinds of information ________ on the Internet. A.can be found B.has been found C.can find D.has found 9.My daughter doesn't like dancing. ________, she likes playing football. A.But  B.Moreover  C.Instead of  D.Instead 10.2021·东营Drinking alcohol(白酒) can be ________ your brains. So people in China aren't allowed to drink it if they are younger than 18. A.good at B.good with C.harmful to D.thirsty for Ⅱ.完形填空 There are many kinds of pollution around us, __11__ air pollution, soil pollution, noise pollution and light pollution. They are bad __12__ our health in many ways. Burning gas, oil and coal creates air pollution. It can cause sore eyes and __13__ problems. With the increase of pollution and the development of industry, litter is everywhere. It makes our environment dirty. People put lots of rubbish in the land. Farmers use too many __14__ in the fields.


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