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Bloody Nose: __________ __________________ if bleeding stop _________________ if not stop _________________ Cut Finger:______________________________ if bleeding continues ________________ if bleeding stops ____________________ Choking: if the victim can speak, cough or breathe:_____________ if the victim can not : _____________________________ if the victim stop breathing:________ * * * * Revision shelf washbasin drawer Revision cupboard cleaning liquids Lead-in Do you feel safe at home? Is there anything we can do to make our house safer? Unit 5 Make Your Home a Safer Place! Skimming Read the passage and choose the best answer. 1 The passage is about __________. A kids B safety C parents 2 Before last week, the writer thought of their home __________. A safe B unsafe C full of accidents 3 Their niece and nephew will reach their home in __________. A one week B one month C three weeks B A C Scanning Read the passage again and find out the dangerous places in the house. bedroom bathroom kitchen Scanning bedroom Put children’s__________ under a __________. Children can __________. Move the __________ away from the __________. bed window climb out bed window Scanning bathroom Keep __________ on a shelf above the __________. Children can find them and think they are __________. __________ the medicine __________. medicines washbasin sweets Put away Scanning kitchen __________ and ______________ are on the table. Children can __________ them. Keep knives in __________ and all cleaning liquids in _____________. Knives cleaning liquids reach drawers high cupboards Phrases and Expressions ★ be full of ★ make sure ★ by the time ★ in case ★ spare bedroom ★ climb out ★ household items ★ make our house safe ★ accidents waiting to happen 充满 确信;确保;证实 等到;到------时候 以防万一 备用卧室 爬出 家居用品;生活用品 使我们的房子安全 隐患 Further Reading Wha


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