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Review Module 10;Revision;二、词组: 1 .制作灯笼 2. 学习舞龙 3. 打扫房屋 4. 清扫地板 5. 做饭 6. 努力工作或学习 7. 在同一天 8. 在二月 9. 看一看;17.put the presents next to the Christmas tree;京正节做准备吗? Are you getting ready for Spring Festival? 2. 发生什么事了? Whafs happening ? 3. 我们现在相当的忙。 We are quite busy now. 4. 我正在制作大红灯笼 . I'm making big red lanterns. 5. 她正在大少房间并且收拾东西。 She's cleaning the house and putting things away. 6. 他们真在和我的祖父学习舞龙 They are learning a dragon dance with my grandpa.;7. 我们加入他们中来吗? Can I join them? 8. 玲玲的妈妈正在做饭吗? Is Lingling's mother cooking the meal? 9. 我的妈妈正在打扫房间并且扫除坏运气。 My mother's cleaning our house and sweeping away bad luck. 咐甑翻*鄙品iw节目 programme on Tv. 11 .它意味着压岁钱。 It means lucky money. 12.你的妈妈正在做什么? Whafs your mother doing?;一、翻译: Exercises 1、 我父亲没在家。他在工作。 My father isn't at home. He is at work. 2、 -Tom在做灯笼吗? ■是的。 ■ Is Tom making lanterns ?;6, 现在我们正在上英语课。 Wc are having an English lesson now 7, 看!男孩们正在操场上踢足球。 Look\ The boys are playinq football on the playground. 8, 听!玛利正在隔壁唱歌。. Listen \ Mary is singing in the next room. 9, —你妈妈正在做饭吗? —是的,她在做。 —Is your mother cooking now? —. She is.;10, ■■你在干什么?你在做作业吗?;、用所给词的适当形式填空:;11 .It's six o'clock in the morning. I am getting (get) dressed.;Exercises I- Choose the right answers ■ 1. Look ! What are the bovs doing ? A do B does C doing 2, What is your father doing ? A is , doing B are , doing C does , do;6. She ____meals for us everyday. A. cook ? cooks C. cooking 7. She often ___her sister with English. A. help ? helps C. helping 8. Tom is getting ready _____the party. @ for B. at C. of 9. A fire _______in that village. A. happen ? is happening C. happening 10. ___he sweeping the floor? @ Is B. Does C. Can 11- ■ ___they do their homework ?


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