Unit 2 课文填空及重点句式 牛津译林版英语八年级上册.docxVIP

Unit 2 课文填空及重点句式 牛津译林版英语八年级上册.docx

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The King and the rice A long time _______,there was a king in India.The king’s _____________ game was chess. One day,a wise old man came to the palace and the king ________________ him to a game.The king _______________ the old man “You can have any prize if you win the game. The old man said “If I win the game,I’d like one ________ of rice for the first square of the chessboard,two for the __________,four for the third,and then double the __________ for ________ of the rest of the squares.” “Is that all” asked the king.”Wouldn’t you like gold ________ silver instead? No,just rice”__________ the old man. The king and the old man played the game _________ a long time. Finally, the old man won.So the king __________ his men to collect a bag of rice.He put one grain on the first square,two on the second,and so on.The king quickly __________ the problem-even with all the rice in the country,he would still not have ____________ rice to put on all the squares! M Counting before numbers Before the invention of ___________ numbers,people used many different ways ________ count things. At first, people used their fingers, and even their toes. __________, they could only count small numbers _____ this way. After that ,they __________ to make small marks on sticks and bones.This helped them _________ bigger numbers.They used them to count things like the days _________ the month,the ____________ of food and the ____________ of animals the had. Then people began to use tokens made ________ clay or small stones.This helped them count even __________ numbers.They often put the tokens on pieces of string ____ _______ they could carry them around easily. This developed into tools like the abacus. Finally, people began to develop systems of written marks to _________ different numbers, and this ________ to the Hindu-Arabic system (0-9).We are still using this system today. U2 必背句子 You never seem to be short of pocket money,Lo. -用法: seem: 似乎,好像 seem +adj.=seem to be +adj.


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