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Dad? 爸? Sweetheart? 甜心? How are you feeling? 你觉得怎样? Are you two still here? 你们两个还在这里吗? I think you need to go back. Back home and get some rest. 我想你们得回去 回家休息一下 Hey, Clark. 嘿,克拉克 Don't worry about me, son. 不要担心我,儿子 It's gonna take a whole lot more than a heart attack to keep your old man down. 光是心脏病打不倒你♥爸♥的 I just feel like this is all my fault. 我只是觉得,都是我的错 Hey. Come here. 嘿,过来 Look, there's a lot of things that you can do... 喂,你有能力做很多事… ...but causing cardiac arrest is not one of them. 不过造成心脏病发作 并非你的专长 Last time you were at the doctor's, they said you had a heart of a 20-year-old... 上次你看病的时候 医生还说你的心脏像二十来岁的人… ...just before I went to Metropolis lf you're suggesting your biological father 就在我去大都会之前… 如果你暗指你的生父… He gave you powers humans weren't meant to have. Your heart can't handle it. 他给你人类所没有的力量 你的心脏承受不起 Clark, no, there were other factors. 克拉克,不,还有别的原因 If I hadn't put on that ring... 如果我没有戴上那个戒指… ...and abandoned you and Mom when you needed me most, you wouldn't be lying here. 又在你跟妈最需要我的时候不管 你现在就不会躺在这里了 As hard as this is for you to believe... 虽然你很难相信… ...not everything that goes wrong in Smallville is Clark Kent's fault. 不过,并非小镇出什么事 都是克拉克肯特造成的 Watch out! 小心! Where are you going? They're gonna kill someone. 你要上哪儿去? 他们会害死人的 Ladies and gentlemen! Your reigning king of speed: 各位女士各位先生! 大家的讽速大王: Pete "The Boss" Ross! 〝大老板〞彼得罗斯! Whoa, Dante, that's some serious green. 哇,丹帝 这可是活力十足 All right, I jacked up the meteor-rock ratio in this new batch of nitrous, okay? 好吧,我在新的氮气组里面 提高陨石系数了,可以吗? You ought to be working for NASA, man. These cars are gonna be like rockets. 你应该为太空总署工作的,老兄 这些车子势必快如火箭 Hey, Pete. 嘿,彼得 Clark, what are you doing here? 克拉克,你来这里干嘛? Hey, nice ride, man. 嘿,好车,老兄 What's that thing do, like, 0 to 60 in an hour? 那老车有何作用 一小时内可以从零跑到六十哩吗? Hey, you ever wanna turn that tortoise into a hare, give me a call. 嘿,想让乌龟变成兔子吗 找我就对了 See you, bro. 再见了,兄弟 How's your dad? 你♥爸♥怎样? He's okay, but in case you didn't notice, you almost obliterated our t


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