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This is what I love about high-school parties. People will gather anywhere... 我就喜欢高中派对这一点 大家聚在任何地方 long as there's alcohol and the chance of hooking up. 只要有酒和能互相勾搭就好 If I recall, you're the one who wanted to come to this party. 是你想来参加派对的 I didn't know it was gonna be so cold. It's like 20,000 degrees below zero. 我不知道会这么冷 好像零下两万度 It doesn't feel that cold to me. What, are you from an ice planet? 我不觉得冷 你是从冰冷行星来的吗 I'm gonna go thaw out by the fire. 我要到火边取暖 Have fun. 祝愉快 Hey, Kent. 肯特 You're friends with Chloe. Is she flying solo tonight? 你是克洛的朋友 她今晚落单吗 Believe me, Sean, you're not her type. 史恩 你不是她喜欢的型 Well, you'd be surprised. 你等着瞧 If you want, I could rub them for you. 如果你愿意 我可以帮你摩擦 Well, nothing heats up the body like friction. 没有比摩擦更能让身体生热了 Wow. I can't believe you just delivered that line with a straight face. 我不敢相信你说那样的话 还能保持一脸正经 All I did was offer to keep your hands warm, Chloe. 我只是提议帮你的手取暖 And he knows my name. I've read your editorials in the <i>Torch. </i> 而且他知道我叫什么 我读过你在《火炬》的社论 Pretty cool. Well, thank you, Sean. 很正点 谢了 I sit next to Jenna in bio class. Remember, you dumped her last week? 生物课我坐珍娜旁边 你在上周把她甩了 It was mutual. So you're here trolling for fresh meat. 是互相的 所以你想把另一个马子 Don't worry, Chloe. I'm not gonna make a move on you. 别担心 我不会对你轻举妄动的 No matter how pretty I think you are. 不管我认为你有多漂亮 Sean, Hail Marys down by the lake. 史恩 到湖边玩万福玛丽亚传球 Yeah. 好的 Hey, can I get your number? Why? You're never going to call. 可以把电&hearts;话&hearts;给我吗 干么 你才不会打 I'll call you tomorrow. I promise. Well, I won't hold my breath. 我保证明天打给你 我不会屏息等待的 Come on, Sean, let's go. Hey, Whitney, back pass. 史恩 快点 惠特尼 转身传球 Did you just write your phone number down on Sean Kelvin's hand? 你刚在史恩手上写下你的电&hearts;话&hearts; Don't sound so shocked, Clark. 别一副震惊的样子 Guys do find me attractive even though I don't have raven hair 即使我没有一头秀发 也不叫蓝拉娜 and the initials "L.L." 男孩子还是觉得我有吸引力 That's not what I meant. 那不是我的意思 The guy's a dog. Clark, relax. 那个家伙很花 克拉克 别担心 I jus



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