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为了满足联合站污水处理自动化控制的需要,在深入研究了联合站污水处理 自动化控制特点的基础上,结合联合站污水处理系统的工艺特点,介绍了联合站 污水处理系统的工艺流程,阐述由 PLC和上位机组成的自动控制系统的主要功 能,设计了基于西门子S7-300PLC的自动反冲洗程序,PLC的程序采用西门子公 司的STEP7软件编写。为支持结构化程序设计,STEP7将用户程序分类归并为不 同的块,根据程序要求可选用组织块 (0B)、功能块(FB)或功能(FC)等三种类型的 逻辑块而数据块DB则用来存储执行用户程序时所需的数据。应用工业组态软件 Wince开发了相应的生产管理软件, Wince作为一种标准的人机界面(HMI)被用于 监控工业生产的动态过程。具有生产参数显示、流程显示、上下限报警及设置、 控制参数设置、历史曲线显示、实时曲线显示、报表生成及打印等功能。 关键词:污水处理;PLC; STEP7; Wince Abstract In order to meet the requisitions that controls the dealing with sewage automatically. Study hard with the characteristic and the specialties of the process. Combined with the features of sewage treatment technology in the Union Station the technical process of sewage treatment in the Union Station is introduced. The main function of the sewage treatment automatic control system which is consisted of PLC and an upper computer is elaborated. The automatic backwashing program which is based on S7-300PLC has been designed in this paper. The programmer of PLC is developed by Siemens STEP7 software. To support structured programming, STEP7 classification procedures to merge the different pieces under the procedural requirements can choose organization block (OB), function block (FB) or function (FC), three types of logic block. DB data block is used to store user implementation of procedures required. The production management software is developed by Wincc software. Wincc configuration software with a Human man-Machine Interface (HMI) is used to monitor the dynamical industrial process. With the production parameters, process showed that the lower limit set alarm and control parameter setting, historical curve, real-time curve, Report Generation and printing functions. Key words : sewage treatment; PLC; STEP7; Wincc 目录 TOC \o "1-5" \h \z 第1章前沿 .1.. \o "Current Document" 第2章工艺流程 2. \o "Current Document" 2.1油田联合站污水的来源和处理要求 2 \o "Current Document" 2.1本章小节 6. \o "Current Document" 第3章 工艺流程的自动控制 7. \o "Current Document" 3.1含油污水自动加药控制原理 7 \o "Current D


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