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living standards, poor farmers in le ss than complete elimination of 4600 Yua n, 8949, 19008. Five waters rule: t he County investe d 2.169 bill ion y ua n, similar counties li ne the citys first complete t he 42 km of sewage pipe network construction, completi on rate ranke d first in the city, won the provinci al rural sewage treatment w ork better; key poll ution source s such a s ele ctroplati ng, papermaki ng, chemical industry management thr ough v erification and accepta nce of the munici pal gover nment, t he County removed Bla ck and odorous River, River waste, beginning of river e col ogical re storation effects. Three modified a split aspects: County total demoliti on illegal area up 2.759 milli on square meters, complete d City issue d annua l task of 153%, split against area ra nking city se cond; completed three modifie d area 4.846 million square meters, com pleted City issued a nnual task of 403%, ranki ng city third, w hich village i n the a target com pleted total city ranking first; County Governme nt was named city level three modified a split work a dvanced. The se achievement s are har d won and should be
appre ciated. Howeve r, we are fully aware, t he ne w peri od, a nd w ork in the countrysi de and the environment facing higher sta ndar ds a nd requirement s, provi nci al party Committee offered to high level buil d a compre hensive well -off soci ety goal requires no filth, dirty envir onme nt illegal buildi ngs, into a well -off; muni cipal party Committee also proposes to buil d into t he well -off be nchmark g oals of the city. Compare d with t he superi or claim, South Gate of XX beautiful goal , my County San Nong and environment there ar e a num ber of weaknesse s and gaps, highlig hted in t he followi ng five aspe cts: first, agric ulture remained low pattern. Low is refle cted in t he quality and low ; short, value a dde d of the industry chai n is l ow; 12 3 fusion yiel d low em ployee
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