高三英语一轮复习精品课件11:Unit 3 Travel journal.pptxVIP

高三英语一轮复习精品课件11:Unit 3 Travel journal.pptx

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Unit 3 Travel journal ;A 精通句式——主谓宾结构 一、结构:主谓宾结构 二、说明: SVO(1)主语+及物动物+名词/代词 He wrote two books last year. SVO(2)主语+及物动词+宾语+状语 I found a letter under his pillow.;例句感悟 1.She looked after the baby carefully. 2.I remembered him/his name/doing it/I had seen him before. 3.I decided to see him in person.;句型仿练(翻译下列句子) 1.我们成功地实施了这项计划。 2.她努力争取每天做一件好事。 3.王老师不止一次地纠正我的发音。 ;4.讲故事对提高英语口语技能很有用。 5.李华教学成绩优秀,受到学生的喜爱和尊敬。 ;答案  1.We carried the plan out successfully. 2.She tried to do a good deed every day. 3.Mr.Wang corrected my wrong pronunciation more than once. 4.Story-telling has much strength in improving oral English skills. 5.Li Hua has a good achievement in teaching,and he was dearly loved and respected by the students.;B 学以致用——连句成文 ;基础篇 A company will donate a lot of books for our school,and our school will hold a donation ceremony by then.The Voice of Urban and City Express will attend the ceremony.All the students and the teachers are requested to attend too.;优秀篇 In order to enrich students'out-of-class activities and improve our school conditions,a well-known company will donate a large number of valuable books worth 500,000 yuan. So the Students Office has decided to hold a donation ceremony at 3 p.m. this afternoon. ;(接上句)The invited guests are the general manager,the director of Municipal Education Bureau as well as our headmaster.Besides,the Voice of Urban and City Express will attend the ceremony.All the students and the teachers are requested to meet in the school hall on time. ;C. 特别关注——攻克长难句;分析:本句是一个复合句。句子的主干是plastic‘s very durability is raising questions。how在句中引导一个名词性从句作about的宾语。Decades later在句中作时间状语。句中where引导定语从句修饰先行词landfill。;译文:然而,数十年后,塑料的耐用性引起了人们对如何正确使用塑料的关切,比如一些一次性产品如塑料袋或供短暂使用的消费品在家里用几年后就被扔进垃圾填埋场,在那里它们将花费好几个世纪才能降解。;2.The law of overlearning explains why cramming for an examination,tho


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