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2011 应届毕业生英文简历 5 条实用英文简历写作技巧】 My interest in the advertised position has prompted* me to forward my resume for your review. "prompt" 动词,即 "to move to action" or "incite" 我对此广告上刊登的职位感兴趣,因此向您递交简历仅供参阅。 2. Your July 23 advertisement in 51JOB calls for* an Executive Secretary with a background rich in a variety of administrative skills, such as mine * "calls for" - to require as necessary or appropriate 例句 :"This job calls for a lot of telephone skills"; "mine" 指的是 "background" 贵公司 7 月 23 日在《前程周刊》刊登广告,需要一名有丰富行 政技能背景的执行秘书,这正符合我的条件。 3. Allow me to highlight* my qualifications as they relate to your stated requirements. " highlight" 动词--"to center attention on" 请允许我强调我与贵公司所提要求相关的资格。 4. I am confident effectively applied to the  that  my training and experience could be requirements of the position as described*. "as described" 是省略的表达方式 , 省略了 "as is described" 中的 is 我自信能将自己所受训练和我的经验应用到上述职位的各项要 求中去。 5. I have a strong aptitude* for working with numbers* and extensive experience with computer software applications. "aptitude" 即 natural ability or talent; "to have an aptitude for numbers" 即"to be good at numbers" 我对数字有天赋,并且在计算机软件应用方面有广泛的经验。 【范例 1】 currently located: tianhe district, age: 22 accounts where: qingyuan nationality: china marital status: single nationality: han training and certification: did not participate in height: 170 cm honesty badge: not applied for weight: 59 kg talent assessment: no assessment my specialty: job search intention personnel types: in school position: logistics / warehousing:, hotel / tourism:, customer service officer / assistant (non-technical): experience: 0 job title: title job type: intern date available: anytime salary: negotiable hope that the working area: guangzhou, foshan, qingyuan work experience ngai lik industrial holdings limited beginning and ending date :2008-06-01 ~ 2008-09-01 nature: foreign-funded industry: electronics / semiconductor / ic position held: school crew members, etc. job description: using


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